
  1. 中华之星高速动力车转向架研究

    Study on the Bogie of China Star High Speed Motor Car

  2. 中华之星高速列车控制与网络系统

    Control and communication network of " China Star " high speed train

  3. 中华之星高速交流传动电动车组动力车

    Power car of " China Star " high speed AC drive EMU

  4. 中华之星高速列车信息显示系统

    Display system of " China Star " high speed train

  5. 中华之星高速列车钢质拖车的设计

    Design of steel trailer for China Star high speed EMU

  6. 中华之星电动车组动力车转向架的研究开发

    RD of power car bogie for " China Star " high speed EMU

  7. 中华之星高速动力车牵引变压器的研制

    Development of traction transformer for " China Star " high speed power car

  8. 《中华之星》动车组制动系统的技术分析和评估

    Analyzing and Estimating for 《 China Star 》 Electric Motor Train Unit Brake System

  9. 中华之星交流传动电动车组特性控制模式改进及仿真

    Modification of characteristic control mode of China Star AC drive EMU and its simulation

  10. 中华之星高速动力车主变流器及其控制系统

    Main converter and its control system of " China Star " high speed power car

  11. 中华之星高速动力车驱动制动单元轴承润滑油路分析

    Analysis on bearing lubricating oil circuit of driving and braking unit of " China Star " high-speed power car

  12. 中国自主设计和制造的中华之星,由于试运行结果令人失望,已在一个铁路车库里停放了数年。

    The domestically designed and manufactured China Star has been sitting for years in a railway depot after disappointing test runs .

  13. 介绍了中华之星动车组拖车制动系统的主要技术特点、组成和作用原理。

    Main technical characteristic , composition and mechanism of trailer ′ s braking system of Central China Star EMU are introduced in the paper .

  14. 用平均轴制动功率法,对高速列车中华之星在270km/h紧急制动时制动盘温度场分布进行仿真。

    Using the method of the average axle braking power , the temperature distribution of the brake disc of the high-speed train China Star was computed .

  15. 中华之星悄悄驶入侧路后便被遗忘,政府鼓励国内企业转而加紧消化国外技术。

    The China Star was quietly shunted into a siding and forgotten as the Chinese companies were encouraged to ramp up digestion of foreign technology instead .

  16. 介绍了中华之星高速列车钢质拖车结构特点、主要技术参数,阐述了拖车各部件结构及设计特征。

    Structural characteristics and main parameters of the steel trailer for " China Star " high speed EMU are presented . Component structures and design features are stated .

  17. 讨论了几种典型列车的空气动力性能:中华之星高速列车、双层集装箱货运列车、磁浮高速列车;

    The research works of the aerodynamic performances of China representative train , China-star high-speed train , double deck container freight train , maglev train ( magnetically levitated train ) were introduced .

  18. 2002年,为了挑战外资主导地位,铁道部推出了国有制造企业完全利用自主知识产权、花费1.4亿元人民币研发的高速铁路系统“中华之星”。

    In 2002 , to challenge foreign dominance , the railway ministry unveiled the China Star , a home-grown high-speed system developed at a cost of RMB 140m by state-controlled manufacturers using only Chinese intellectual property .

  19. 介绍了中华之星电动车组动力车转向架的主要性能指标和技术参数,并从驱动制动单元、轴箱、牵引装置、轮对、构架及一、二系悬挂等方面进行了详细阐述。

    Main performance index and technical parameters are introduced for the power car bogie for " China Star " high speed EMU . Detailed statement is done to the drive braking unit , axle box , traction device , wheelset , frame and primary secondary suspensions .