
  • 网络agricultural development bank of china;agriculture development bank of china;ADBC
  1. 最后,结合中国农业发展银行H省分行银行的经营现状和存在问题,深入分析其存在问题的原因,提出转型背景下中国农业发展银行H省分行发展对策。

    Finally , the paper analyzes deeply the causes of problems existed in the branch by combining the running state and the problems of H branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China , then puts forward the development strategies under the transition background .

  2. 中国农业发展银行综合业务系统安全子系统

    The Security System for the Agricultural Development Bank of China Intergrate Business System

  3. 目前中国农业发展银行H省分行业务发展面临许多现实制约和体制障碍,在业务结构、考核体系、信贷政策、风险管理、人力资源等方面存在亟待解决的问题。

    There are still problems of its business structure , evaluation system , credit policy , risk management and human resources that need to be solved .

  4. 不能把中国农业发展银行办为收购银行,它的职能定位应该是农业开发性银行。

    Function of agricultural policy development loans should be enhanced progressively .

  5. 中国农业发展银行金融风险的控制

    Control of Financial Risk of Agriculture Development Bank of China

  6. 中国农业发展银行信贷政策调整趋势分析

    Tendency Analysis on Credit Policy of China Agriculture Development Bank

  7. 中国农业发展银行,1994年~1996年。

    For the Agriculture Development Bank of China , 1994 - 1996 .

  8. 论中国农业发展银行的生存和发展

    On Existence and Development of Agriculture Development Bank of China

  9. 中国农业发展银行为5000亿元人民币。

    RMB 500 billion for the Agriculture Development of China .

  10. 中国农业发展银行是国家政策性银行,主要承担农业政策性金融业务。

    The agricultural developing bank of China is a national plicy bank , running agricultural plicy work .

  11. 1996年,我国政策机构和农业银行(中国农业发展银行)主导的政策性小额信贷扶贫项目开始发展起来。

    In 1996 , poverty alleviation projects by policy-directed microfinance organized by policy organizations and Agricultural Bank arise .

  12. 在回顾中国农业发展银行历史变革和现状评价的基础上,研究目前存在的问题。

    Based on the history and present assessment of Agricultural Development Bank of China , it studies the current problems .

  13. 第六部分,促进中国农业发展银行更好地为新农村建设提供金融服务的对策和建议。

    Part VI The countermeasures and suggestions for Agricultural Development Bank of China to improve financial services for new rural construction .

  14. 粮食收购资金贷款是我国农业政策性银行&中国农业发展银行对从事粮食购销业务的企业发放的,主要用于支持其向种粮农民收购商品粮食的专项贷款。

    The loan granted by Agricultural Development Bank is special fund for the enterprise which dealing in cereals from the farmer .

  15. 中国农业发展银行在经营中存在支农作用弱化,业务规模不断萎缩等问题。

    Many problems exist in the operation of the agricultural development banks , such as small business scope , weakened support to agriculture etc.

  16. 中国农业发展银行作为政策性金融的承担者,在一定意义上就是农业政策性金融的代名词。

    Agricultural Development Bank of China as a bearer of financial policy , in a sense , is synonymous with rural public finance .

  17. 第二章分析了中国农业发展银行某分行的绩效管理现状。

    Chapter II is a case study of the current situation of performance management of a branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China .

  18. 1994年作为金融体制改革的一项重大举措,国家决定设立国家开发银行、中国农业发展银行和中国进出口银行。

    China set up China Development Bank , China Agricultural Development Bank and China Ex-import Bank in 1994 as important measures of state financial system reform .

  19. 2004年5月起,中国农业发展银行按照国务院要求,开始开办商业性贷款业务。

    Since May 2004 , the Agricultural Development Bank of China has started to offer commercial loan in accordance with the requirements of the State Council .

  20. 本文倡导的是中国农业发展银行向开发性金融的转型,是政策性金融发展的高级阶段,,而不是参照国家开发银行发展模式,进行商业化改革。

    This article advocates the transition of Agricultural Development Bank of China on development of financial theory , which is the advanced stage of policy finance .

  21. 中国农业发展银行的贷款主要用于购买和储存农副产品、林业建设和水利开发。

    Loans from the Agriculture Development Bank of china are mainly provided for purchase and storage of agricultural and side-line products , forestry construction and water conservancy development .

  22. 中国农业发展银行仅在粮棉油收购资金信贷等狭小领域内发挥作用等等。

    The Agricultural Developing Bank of China only played the role in giving funds for extending credit to purchase farm products , such as cotton , food oil and grains .

  23. 中国农业发展银行受其所经营的业务范围限制,以及资金来源单一等原因,同样不能很好的承担起支持农村基础设施建设的重任。

    Due to the business limit , the single source of funds and other reasons , Agricultural Development Bank of China also can not give a good support for the rural infrastructure .

  24. 其次,通过对中国农业发展银行转型背景、战略转型的研究,分析其对内蒙古分行的机遇与挑战。

    Secondly , through the transformation of China Agricultural Development Bank of the background , the strategic transformation of research , analysis of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the opportunities and challenges .

  25. 中国农业发展银行在我国农村金融体系中处于重要的地位,它运行绩效的好坏以及存在问题的解决直接关系到整个农村金融安全体系的构建,事关社会主义新农村的建设。

    The performance of the Agricultural Development Bank of China and solving the problems from its development directly influence the construction of the whole agricultural financial security system and the new Socialism Country .

  26. 根据理论分析和形势研究,提出了中国农业发展银行在新农村建设中的定位,以及如何构建完善运行机制。

    According to the theoretical analysis and situational study , it puts forward the position of Agricultural Development Bank of China in new rural development , and how to build a sound operating mechanism .

  27. 本文从农业政策性金融机构的职能定位出发,深入探讨了中国农业发展银行的金融风险,包括金融风险的种类、特点和新变化,同时探讨了中国农业发展银行金融风险的成因。

    The paper starts from the function orientation of the agriculture policy finance , discussing the financial risk of the Agriculture Development Bank of China , including the category , characteristic and new change about the financial risk .

  28. 第四部分,提出了改革和完善中国农业发展银行经营机制的具体措施和建议,努力把中国农业发展银行建设成为充满生机和活力的,具有可持续发展能力的农业政策性银行。

    The fourth chapter , the author put forth concrete measures and suggestions on how to reform and perfect the mechanism and to build the bank into a vigorous and dynamic agricultural policy-related bank with the capacity of sustainable development .

  29. 全国数据大集中已经成为了我国银行业的主要发展趋势,作为国内分支机构最多的政策性银行,农发行(中国农业发展银行)也适时的推出了自己的综合业务系统。

    The data centralize already become our country banking industry 's main development tendency , As the most policy-type bank of china , ADBC ( the Development Bank of China ) also promoted own Intergrate Business System at the right moment .

  30. 近年来,随着粮棉购销体制市场化改革,以服务粮棉收购为主的中国农业发展银行,面临着业务范围大幅度萎缩、职能重新定位的问题。

    In recent years , with the reform of the system about purchasing and selling of grain and cotton the Agricultural Development Bank is facing the predicament , which is its business scopes have shrinked largely and functions must make a reservation again .