
  • 网络rural China;in rural china;countryside of china
  1. 来自中国农村及小城镇的务工人员一直推动中国一些最大的互联网公司的商业模式,包括阿里巴巴(Alibaba)、美团点评(Meituan-Dianping)以及滴滴出行。

    Migrants from rural China have fuelled the business models of some of the country 's largest internet companies including Alibaba , Meituan-Dianping , as well as Didi Chuxing .

  2. 但在本该是当地茶馆的地方,却出现了一座对当代中国农村来说完全陌生的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的中文名称是“梦·巴黎咖啡休闲会所”(英文名:DreamofParisCaféclub)。

    But in the spot where you would expect the local tea merchant is a building with a sign completely alien in contemporary rural China : " I Dream of Paris Caf é " it says , in both English and Chinese .

  3. 山,天,湖,我看到的中国农村的照片都很棒。

    The mountains , the sky , the lakes — the photos I 've seen of China 's countryside are wonderful .

  4. 人力资本与农业经济增长:基于中国农村的PANELDATA模型分析

    Human Capital and Growth of Agricultural Economy : An Analysis with Panel Data Based on Chinese Countryside

  5. 基于GIS与GPS的中国农村精准施肥的方法研究

    The Research on the Method of Precision Fertilization Based on GIS and GPS in China

  6. 联想一直专注于拓展中国农村和中小城市地区,这些地方的PC拥有率尤为低下。

    The company has focused in particular on rural areas and small cities in China , where PC ownership is lowest .

  7. 本文使用CHIP(2002)的数据研究中国农村非农劳动力就业比例与农村劳动力向城市转移之间的对应关系。

    This paper uses the data from China Household Income Project ( CHIP , 2002 ) to study the relationship between the ratio of rural non-agricultural labor and rural-urban migration .

  8. 在利用GIS和GPS研究土壤养分空间变异的基础上,以农户作为精准施肥的单元,探讨在中国农村进行精准施肥的途径。

    The research discussed the approach of Precision Fertilization in China , which was based on GIS and GPS , and take the farmers ' household land as the unit .

  9. Berman表示,斯里兰卡,印度和中国农村地区的调查显示这些项目已经出现了希望。

    Mr. Berman says findings from agricultural areas of Sri Lanka , India and China show promise .

  10. 针对中国农村劳动力严重过剩的国情,选用Bruno的生产函数,对我国的粮食产量进行了实证分析。

    In this article , Bruno production function is selected for the two step analysis of the Chinese agricultural output , which has taken the country 's surplus labour force and its transfer into full consideration .

  11. 就业结构调整与中国农村劳动力的充分就业

    Employment Structural Adjustment & The Chinese Rural Laborer 's Full Employment

  12. 中国农村合作医疗制度变迁、特点与改革方向

    China countryside cooperate medical system transferring , characteristics and reform trend

  13. 中国农村社会保障模式的探索

    Research on the Model of Rural Social Rural Safeguard in China

  14. 中国农村合作金融之路探析

    Exploring the Way of Cooperative Finance in the Countryside of China

  15. 2001年中国农村村民自治发展报告

    Report on the Development of Rural China Villager Self-government in 2001

  16. 运用聚类分析法进行中国农村家庭能源消费的区域划分

    Clustering analysis-the regional division of rural household energy consumption in China

  17. 中国农村家庭卫生支出的社会性别分析

    Gender Analysis on Household Health Expenditure in Rural Areas of China

  18. 在中国农村每天早上都意味着一段

    In rural China , that may meana long trekeach morning ,

  19. 论中国农村政策与农业的发展

    A Study on Rural Policy and Development of Agriculture in China

  20. 中国农村妇女土地权利问题的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Land Rights of Rural Women in China

  21. 中国农村健康保障制度综述

    Review of the Health Security System in China 's Rural Areas

  22. 论新阶段中国农村经济制度的创新

    On Innovation of Economy System of Chinese countryside in New Stage

  23. 中国农村金融业成长的经济效应研究

    Effect of Rural Financial Growth on the Rural Economy of China

  24. 中国农村家族势力复兴的原因探析

    The Reasons of the Clan Power Revival in Chinese Rural Area

  25. 中国农村居民消费结构及变化趋势分析

    Analysis on the consumption structure and tendency for Chinese rural residents

  26. 转型期中国农村人际关系探析关于晋南农村人际关系的调查与分析

    A Research into Rural Interpersonal Relationships within Social Transformation in China

  27. 中国农村信用合作社是一种特殊的金融制度安排。

    Chinese rural credit cooperatives are special financial system arrangements .

  28. 论中国农村公共事业的建设与管理

    Research on the Chinese Country Public Service Construction and Management

  29. 当代中国农村公民成长制度问题研究

    The System Problem Research of Citizen Growth in Chinese Village

  30. 公共政策视角下的中国农村合作医疗制度

    Chinese Countryside Cooperative Medical Treatment System Under the View of Public Policy