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  • 网络Study on Chinese Historical Document
  1. 中国历史文献学人才培养刍议

    Personnel Training for the Study of Chinese Historical Documents

  2. 中国历史文献学研究述论

    An Overview of Chinese Historical Bibliography Study

  3. 作为一门古老而又年轻的学科,中国历史文献学面临着加强学科理论建设、实现研究手段现代化等多重任务和发展趋向。

    Presently the discipline faces many tasks , such as strengthening the basic theory construction , improving the research methods , etc.

  4. 建立历史文献学这门学科是我的夙愿&白寿彝先生和中国历史文献学学科建设

    To Establish the Historical Document Studies as a Discipline is My Long-cherished Wish & Prof. Bai and the Establishment of the Chinese Historical Document Studies

  5. 中国历史文献学是一门以历史文献及其整理研究工作为研究对象的,以复原、求真和致用为主要任务的专科文献学。

    The Chinese historical philology is a special discipline focusing on the study and coordination of the historical documents and aiming at their recovery and exploitation .

  6. 如何加强对中国历史文献学人才的培养,这是事关我国丰富的历史文献能否妥善保存、整理、研究与利用的重大问题。

    Training personnel for the study of Chinese historical documents is related to some important issues , such as storage , classification , research and application of the rich material .

  7. 其研究范围主要包括:学科基本理论、历史文献及其产生发展过程、研究和整理历史文献的方法以及中国历史文献学发展史。

    Studies in this field involve the basic theory of the discipline , historical documents and their origin and development , their research methodology , and the history of Chinese historical philology .