
  • 网络Chinese businessman;China Trader;CHINESE BUSINESS MAN;China Businessman;Merchants from Cathay
  1. 一个自称山姆(sam)的中国商人说,他“太忙”,记不得卖了多少手机。

    A Chinese trader , who only gave his name as Sam , said he was " too busy " to know how many handsets he traded .

  2. 比如锂聚物电池就是一位中国商人田育(tianyu,音译)捐赠的,雷蒙德跟前者合作开发一架非太阳能电动飞机。

    The lithium-polymer batteries , for example , were donated by Tian Yu , a Chinese businessman with whom Mr Raymond is collaborating on a non-solar electric plane .

  3. 一名中国商人已同意收购阿斯顿维拉(AstonVilla)足球俱乐部,这是仅仅6个月多一点时间内,中国投资者第二次投资英国足球俱乐部。

    A Chinese businessman has agreed to buy Aston Villa , marking the second time in just over six months that Chinese investors have put money into English football .

  4. 几年前如果有人告诉你,一位名不见经传的中国商人打算买下意大利时装品牌普拉达(Prada)或利物浦足球俱乐部(LiverpoolFootballClub),大多数人都会认为这是在开玩笑。

    If someone had suggested a few years ago that an unknown Chinese businessman was going to buy Italian fashion house Prada or Liverpool Football Club most people would have assumed it was a joke .

  5. 10年前,我旁边有个中国商人在卖纽扣,海参崴出租车司机谢尔盖(Sergei)表示。

    Ten years ago I stood next to a Chinese trader selling buttons , says Sergei , a taxi driver in Vladivostok .

  6. 商业飞机制造商和运营商正指望chow这样的中国商人,帮助他们弥补西方主要市场预期中日渐疲软的需求。

    Business aircraft manufacturers and operators are counting on Chinese businessmen such as Mr Chow to help offset an anticipated weakening of demand in their main western markets .

  7. 往下几层,是另一家空壳公司“哥伦布天际线”(ColumbusSkylineL.L.C.)拥有的三套共管公寓。该公司属于一个名为王文良的中国商人的家族。

    A few floors down are three condos owned by another shell company , Columbus Skyline L.L.C. , which belongs to the family of a Chinese businessman and contractor named Wang Wenliang .

  8. 在纽约,DJKResidential的凯瑟琳希金斯(KathrynHiggins)表示,中国商人通常购买价值在150万至250万美元的房产,或用于投资,或作为第二居所。

    In New York , Kathryn Higgins of DJK Residential says Chinese businessmen buy properties in the $ 1.5m to $ 2.5m range for investment or as second homes .

  9. 在新一季的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中,美中关系成为重点。由凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)扮演的诡计多端的美国副总统弗兰克・安德伍德(FrankUnderwood)在剧中与一名腐败的中国商人秘密交易。

    U.S. - China relations are front and center in the new season of ' House of Cards , ' which has scheming U.S. Vice President Frank Underwood , played by Kevin Spacey , backchanneling with a corrupt Chinese businessman .

  10. 中国商人郝琳(LamKok)据信已在法国葡萄酒产区波尔多的直升飞机失事中死亡。他的履历代表了中国当今众多富豪的特点:有政治人脉,主要靠房地产发家,为人低调。

    Lam Kok , the Chinese businessmen who is believed to have died in a helicopter crash in the French wine region of Bordeaux , had a resume that is typical of many of China 's wealthy tycoons today : He was politically connected , made his fortune primarily in real estate and kept a low profile .

  11. 她旅店中全部96间客房都被中国商人住满了。

    All 96 rooms in her hotel are occupied by Chinese traders .

  12. 入世后中国商人商务谈判文化适应现象分析

    On Acculturation of the Chinese Businessmen in Foreign Trade Negotiations

  13. 我想我应该停止对于中国商人的刻板印象!

    I guess that I should stop stereotyping Chinese businessmen !

  14. 中国商人已把廉价的消费品带到非洲。

    Chinese traders have brought cheap consumer goods to Africa .

  15. 目前它已改名,被一位中国商人买了下来。

    It has been renamed and now belongs to a Chinese businessman .

  16. 中国商人伦理的历史作用

    On the Historical Role and Modern Value of the Ethic of Chinese Businessmen

  17. 卡拉苏的中国商人心情也。

    In Karasu the Chinese traders are also ambivalent .

  18. 一个美国商业女性就一项进口业务正在与一位中国商人谈判。

    An American businesswoman is negotiating with a Chinese counterpart over import agreement .

  19. 同时,中国商人也积极的向国外学习。

    At the same time , Chinese businessmen choose to learn from foreigners .

  20. 从开普敦到佛得角,中国商人的影响正逐渐遍及非洲大陆。

    Chinese traders are making an impact from Cape Town to Cape Verde .

  21. 日本最近称其会向中国商人和艺术家提供长达10年的签证。

    Japan recently announced it would offer 10-year visas to Chinese businessmen and artists .

  22. 有一位中国商人也常来。

    There used to be a Chinese businessman who came in here quite often .

  23. 明代重农抑商政策的演变重农抑商与中国商人的地位

    The Policy of Emphasizing Agriculture while Restraining Commerce and the Status of Chinese Merchants

  24. 老挝经济发展繁荣,促使大量中国商人到来,从而极大地推动了对中国地方菜的需求。

    Chinese businessmen takingadvantage of Laos'development boom are fueling demand for great , authenticregional cuisine

  25. 主要包括那些具有良好文化道德素养的传统中国商人和优秀的海外华人商人。

    They chiefly include traditional Chinese businessmen and excellent overseas businessmen with good cultural accomplishment .

  26. 这些中国商人缺乏安全的居住环境,他们的法律地位往往并不明确。

    Traders do not live in secure compounds and their legal status is often unclear .

  27. 尽管产权受到了更多保护,但中国商人们还在抱怨自己在法律上的脆弱性。

    While property rights have been given greater protection , businessmen complain about their legal vulnerability .

  28. 在中俄边境的俄罗斯一边,中国商人也表现得更具活力。

    Chinese businessmen have been much more energetic on the Russian side of the border too .

  29. 如今,这位中国商人在这里拥有了一座购物中心,而我为他开车。

    Now that Chinese trader owns a shopping centre here and I am driving him around .

  30. 中国商人在世界各地采购,从美国商标,到非洲矿物,到俄罗斯石油开采权无所不包。

    Its businessmen are buying up everything from American brands to African minerals to Russian oil rights .