
  • 网络Library Society of China;China Society for Library Science
  1. 在中国图书馆学会1999年年会暨成立20周年纪念大会上的讲话

    A Speech Delivered in the Conference on the Occasion of 20 th Anniversary of China Society for Library Science

  2. 在中国图书馆学会第六届学术研究委员会成立暨工作会议上的讲话

    A Speech Delivered at the First Working Meeting of the Sixth Academic Committee of the China Society for Library Science

  3. 中国图书馆学会第七届学术研究委员会的组建与工作思路

    Seventh Academic Committee of the Library Society of China : Organization and Future Work

  4. 中国图书馆学会首届百县馆长论坛综述

    A Overview on the FirstLibrarians ' Forums of 100 Counties Held by Library Society of China

  5. 图书馆事业深处的忧虑&2005年中国图书馆学会桂林年会随感

    Deep Worry About the Library Cause

  6. 中国图书馆学会第七次全国会员代表大会是一次具有里程碑意义的盛会。新一届理事会要以开放态度、务实精神去开拓我们的事业。

    The seventh national congress of the Library Society of China is a milestone in the history of Chinese librarianship .

  7. 2005年国际干扰素与细胞因子年会通知本文记录了笔者参加2005年中国图书馆学会桂林年会随感。

    The article recorded the random thoughts that the author attended the 2005 annual meeting of China Library Science Society years in Guilin .

  8. 以中国图书馆学会2005新年峰会为标志,认为图书馆界已开始以积极主动的态度参与著作权立法的进程。

    Marked by the " 2005 New Year Summit of the Library Society of China ", the library field took the initiative to participate in the legislation process of copyrights .

  9. 文章分析了目前图书馆事业发展存在的问题,指出行业管理的可行性,及中国图书馆学会要成为行业管理组织应该采取的措施。

    The paper analyses the problems which exist in the library undertaking development . Then it points out the feasibility of carrying out profession management and the measures that Library Society of China should adopt .

  10. 图书馆学会与图书馆协会之辨及其思考&写在中国图书馆学会成立三十周年之际

    The Discrimination between Society of Library Science and Library Association with the Consideration on the Development Models of Societies of Library Science and Library Associations in China & 30th Anniversary of Library Society of China

  11. 2009年9月中国图书馆学会学术委员会举办云计算与图书馆专题研讨会在上海召开,标志着图书馆界正式涉足云计算领域。

    September 2009 organized by the Academic Committee of China Society for Library Science " Cloud Computing and Libraries " workshop held in Shanghai , marking the official involved in the library community of cloud computing .

  12. 中国图书馆学会第六届学术研究委员会集中了全国图书馆学方面的专家学者,具有很强的研究能力。本届学术委员会有自己的任务和开展学术研究的指导思想。

    With experts in various fields of library science in China gathering together , the Sixth Academic Committee of the China Society for Library Science has a strong research force , with its own tasks and objectives .

  13. 中国图书馆学会在2005年8月发布的《关于网络环境下著作权问题的声明》阐述图书馆界在著作权保护问题上的原则立场。

    In August 2005 , the Library Society of China published the Declaration of the Copyrights Issues in the Internet Environment , which expatiates the principals and standpoints the library field holds as far as the protection of copyrights .

  14. 近五年来,中国图书馆学会在开展学术研究、促进学科发展、开展继续教育和科普工作、提高馆员素质和公众图书馆意识,以及加强学会自身建设等方面都取得了很大成绩。

    In the last five years , China Society for Library Science got quite a lot of accomplishments in academic research , library science development , further education and science popularization , and library staff quality and public library awareness promotion , etc.