
  • 网络CHINA GEMS;Gemstone Beads
  1. 中国刚玉宝石矿床的成因类型及其分布规律

    Genetic Types and Distribution of Corundum Gem bearing Deposits in China

  2. 中国在国际宝石贸易中将发挥更重要的作用。

    China will play a more important role in the international jewelry trade .

  3. 缅甸密支那——这个宝石商人的儿子16岁时来到翡翠矿,想从这种让中国发狂的宝石中寻找自己发财的机会。

    MYITKYINA , Myanmar - At 16 , the gem trader 's son set out for the jade mines to seek his fortune in the precious stone that China craves .

  4. 中国已知的宝石级钠柱石矿床仅有一处,位于新疆阿克陶县苏巴什达坂北其依达克附近。

    The sole gem marialite deposit in China is located at the western foot of Mount Muztagh , Akto County , Xinjiang , which is tectonically belongs to the Central Famirs fold belt .