
  • 网络Chinese advertising companies;China Advertising Service
  1. 不过这些新广告将由一家中国广告公司设计。

    But these new ads will be designed by a Chinese agency instead .

  2. 随着我国经济的高度发展和广告市场的进一步开放,中国广告公司面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    Along with the high development of our country 's economy and the further opening of advertisement market , the Chinese AD Company is facing up with the intense market competition .

  3. 这款应用的创始人使用了一款由名叫有米的中国广告公司提供的软件开发系统,这个软件让应用软件开发者可以在自己的应用里加入广告,这是可以的。

    The apps ' creators used a software development kit from a Chinese advertising company called Youmi , which allowed the developers to put ads in their apps . That 's kosher .

  4. 中国本土广告公司发展研究

    The Growth of China Local Advertising Agencies

  5. 筹得逾3000万美元的风投资金后,中国在线广告平台公司易传媒(AdChina)去年申请在纳斯达克上市。

    Chinese online advertising platform adchina last year filed to go public on the Nasdaq , after having raised more than $ 30 million in venture capital funding .

  6. 从1986年5月16日第一家合资广告公司中国电扬广告公司在北京注册成立至今,跨国广告公司在中国的发展已经超过了20年。

    From May 16 , 1986 the first joint-venture advertising companies advertising companies in China Yang Xinhua registered in Beijing since the establishment of multinational advertising companies in China has exceeded 20 years .