
  • 网络china newsweek;China News Weekly;China News Week
  1. 方玄昌是《中国新闻周刊》的科学编辑。

    Fang Xuanchang is the science editor of China News Weekly .

  2. 《中国新闻周刊》是这一系列周刊中新闻性最强、最符合新闻类周刊要求的一份周刊,具有很强的发展势头。

    " China News Weekly " ranks the most proper and promising one among those weeklies .

  3. 中国新闻周刊的生存状况与发展路径

    Living Spaces and Developing Approaches of China 's News Weekly Magazines

  4. 中国新闻周刊:当时出于怎么样一种心情而来写作这篇文章?

    China News Week : What was your intention when you wrote the article ?

  5. 中国新闻周刊:对于这场灾难,很多人指责你冷血,无论是文章还是行为表现。

    China News Week : Many regard both your behavior and articles as cold-blooded .

  6. 中国新闻周刊研究

    The Research of Chinese Newspaper Week

  7. 中国新闻周刊议题构建现状分析

    The Agenda-Setting of Chinese News Magazine

  8. 根据《中国新闻周刊》的报道,吕小姐说拍摄这组照片都是外公的主意。

    According to China Newsweek , Ms Lv said the stunt was all her grandfather 's idea . '

  9. 高校学风状况直接关系到学校的生存和发展。中国新闻周刊的生存状况与发展路径

    A school 's study atmosphere is directly related to its existence and further development . Living Spaces and Developing Approaches of China 's News Weekly Magazines

  10. 中国新闻周刊:由于一篇博客文章,今天的范美忠已经成为名人,最初预料到这样的爆炸性结果了吗?

    China News Week : as a result of the article you posted on your blog , you ` re famous now . Did you expect the fame ?

  11. 在接受《中国新闻周刊》的采访时,外公刘谦平也表示很开心可以为网店做模特,很开心能帮到自己的家人。

    For his part , Liu told China Newsweek that he is glad to model for the store - and happy to be able to help his family .

  12. 而本论文的研究对象&中国时政新闻周刊,也正面临着同样的问题,在摸索着前进。

    The Chinese news-periodicals which my thesis talked about face the same question .

  13. 反观中国的新闻周刊,仍处在起步阶段,新闻的塑造能力仍处于初级水平。

    Counter observing the Chinese newsweeklies , they are still in the preliminary stage , the news description capability yet in a primary level .

  14. 作为后起之秀,中国《新闻周刊》在短短三年的时间里便成功地打入期刊市场并赢得一席之地,这引起了业界人士的广泛关注。

    China Weekly has successfully occupied a large portion of the journal market within three years , which causes extensive attention in the field .

  15. 文章最后认为,虽然2003年中国当代新闻周刊的市场又出现了新的变化,但仍未形成彼此之间直接的白热化竞争,中国当代新闻周刊正处在激烈竞争的前夜。

    It concludes that Chinese news weeklies are still at a distance from the white-hot competition though they have had achieved to some degree since 2003 .

  16. 第五章,对中国当代新闻周刊未来的发展走向做出自己的建议和判断,其中包括新闻周刊不同视角的转换,新闻周刊与互联网合作的可能性以及强化新闻周刊的市场经营。

    Chapter V , To estimate and to look forward to the future development of Chinese news weeklies , this chapter argues the shifts among different angles of view of news weeklies , the possibilities of cooperation between news weeklies and the internet and the market managing of news weeklies .

  17. 而在中国,现代新闻周刊才刚起步,其发展的空间非常大。

    However , in China , the modern newsweekly has just begun , and its development space is very wide .