
  • 网络China Cable Television;China CATV;China Digital Cable TV
  1. 由于现有的中国有线电视网&CATV网络有极大的覆盖范围,并且有能力提供快速、灵活、经济的接入服务,将其作为宽带接入的方案一直就被人们所看好。

    Since the existing China Cable Television Network-CATV has great coverage , it is a desirable solution to broad-band access system for it can provide rapid , flexible and economic access to the ever increasing new services .

  2. 中国有线电视网络正在向多业务接入网发展,多业务接入网需要将现有的单向HFC网络升级改造为双向HFC网络。

    The CATV network of China is developing to multiple business access networks , so traditional HFC networks must upgrade to a two-way system .

  3. 中国有线电视行业应对三网融合的战略选择

    A Strategic Plan of Chinese Cable Industry for Responding the Three Networks Integration

  4. 整体转换因地制宜加快推进中国有线电视数字化进程

    Transfer Totally , Suit Measures to Local Conditions and Accelerate CATV Digitization in China

  5. 中国有线电视实施6SIGMA经营战略的构想

    The Conception of Chinese Cable TV Implementing the " Six Sigma " Management Strategy

  6. 产权残缺与组织博弈&解析制度变迁下的中国有线电视网发展

    Incomplete Property Righs Organization Game Analyze the development of China 's CATV net in the institution transformation

  7. 第一章概述了中国有线电视网的现阶段情况,并简要介绍了现阶段该领域的研究与进展。

    The first chapter introduces the status of china HFC networks and the research development in this field .

  8. 产品具有很强的实用性,将为中国有线电视网络公司宽带业务产生一触即发的效果。

    Our products have very strong practicability that it will be triggered at the broadband business of network companies of Chinese cable TV .

  9. 经国家广电总局批准,是中国有线电视科技领域内极具影响力的国际研讨活动。

    Endorsed by State Administration of Radio , Film and TV ( SARFT ) . Which is the most powerful exhibition in CATV sector .

  10. 在此基础上,为中国有线电视的整体良性运营和发展在政策环境、行业运作、盈利渠道等方面存在的问题提出有效解决途径;

    Based on the analysis and discussion above , this paper provides efficient solving scheme of well-ordered operation and developing for Chinese Cable TV aiming at the problems existing in policy environment , industry management and gaining method .

  11. 提出一种比较适合中国有线电视台收费管理、成本低廉的按照C/S模式进行组织可寻址,且实现双工通信的收费管理系统,并对该系统软件和硬件部分进行了详细的分析。

    This paper introduces a design plan of addressable cable television management information system ( CATVMIS ) organized in a low cost C / S mode and realizing duplexing communication , analyses the principle of its hardware and software .

  12. 中国的有线电视目前正在逐步向数字化方向迈进,因此HFC网络由原来的只承载模拟频道的传输,过渡到模拟频道和数字频道同时传输,最终实现模拟频道向数字频道整体平移。

    CATV in China is stepping to the digitization , hence the channel loading of HFC networking is from the pure analog channels to the mixed mode of analog and digital channels , even move to the pure digital channels loading in the future .

  13. 目前中国数字有线电视的行业标准采用的是DVB-C协议。

    Chinese Digital CATV standards deploy the DVB-C protocol .

  14. 中国数字有线电视发展的困境与对策&以佛山数字有线电视发展为例

    The Plight and Countermeasure of Chinese Digital CATV Development & digital CATV development in Foshan city as a case

  15. 中国的有线电视经过近20年的发展,已成为全球第一大有线电视网,但是,全国的网络发展很不平衡。

    With the development in past 20 years , subscribers of cable TV networks in China are the largest in the word .

  16. 中国的有线电视网络目前面临着前所未有的挑战,更加显现出加强有线电视网络管理的重要性。

    The management of CATV ( Cable Television ) network is more important than ever because of the unprecedented challenges CATV network in China meet now .

  17. 随着中国数字有线电视的推广和普及,开发以自主芯片为核心的数字有线电视接收方案具有重要意义。

    As the popularization of the digital cable TV in China , it is in dire need of designing the tramsission and receiving digital TV system in self-determination .

  18. 以佛山数字有线电视发展为例进行分析造成中国数字有线电视发展困境的原因主要有电视内容资源匮乏、新兴电视媒体竞争、各自为战的利益格局阻碍等。

    This thesis takes digital CATV development in Foshan city as a case to research the plight reasons of Chinese digital CATV development , such as the lack of TV content , the competition of new TV media , the mess of respective structure , etc.