
  • 网络China Laser;Chinese Journal of Lasers;Chinese Laser;zhongguo jiguang/chinese journal of lasers
  1. 《中国激光》作者群的分析研究与学科发展

    An Analysis of the Author ′ s Group Distribution for Chinese Journal of Lasers

  2. 中国激光全息行业现状

    Current Status of the Chinese Laser Holography Industry

  3. 中国激光加工产业现状和发展前景

    Development Prospect and Present Situation on Laser Processing Industry in China

  4. 1987年度中国激光科技发展一瞥

    A glimpse of development of laser science and technology in China in 1987

  5. 中国激光20年概貌(Ⅱ)

    A 20 years ' survey of laser science and technology in China (ⅱ)

  6. 中国激光玻璃的研究和发展

    Research and development of laser glasses in China

  7. 本文综述了中国激光全息行业近年来的发展和现状。

    The development and current status of the Chinese laser holography industries are presented .

  8. 中国激光全息产业的崛起世界全息产业重心移向东方

    The Steep Rise of The Chinese Holography Industry and The Distinct Shift Eastwards in The Geography of World Hologram Production

  9. 欧洲太空机构(esa)的安全主管erwinduhamel称,过去几年,法国卫星被来自中国的激光“强光”攻击了数次。

    In the past few years French satellites have been hit several times with " dazzle " strikes from lasers in China , says Erwin Duhamel , head of security at the European Space Agency ( ESA ) .

  10. 中国的激光工业最近发生了巨大变化。

    The Chinese laser industry has big change recently .

  11. 中国工业激光市场的起步晚于发达国家20年左右,但由于中国经济的迅速发展,市场需求带动了激光加工产业的发展。

    Although the domestic laser machining market lags 20 years behind the developed countries ', the laser machining market grows fast due to the Chinese flying economy .

  12. 中国陆基激光武器功率太低,只能对卫星进行软杀伤,使卫星丧失功能,不能真正地摧毁卫星。

    Chinese land-based low-power laser weapons can only be carried out on the soft anti-satellite , the satellite so that the loss of function , can not really destroy the satellite .

  13. 上个月在国会听证会上来自国际评估和战略中心的费舍尔证实,中国有激光武器研发项目,并警告称,该国可能会迅速使外层空间军事化。

    While giving congressional testimony last month Fisher from the International Assessment and Strategy Center confirmed that China has a laser weapons program and warned that the country could be rapidly militarizing space .

  14. 详细介绍了美国陆海空三军对激光武器的研制历史和现状,并简要介绍了苏联、德国、法国和中国对激光武器的研究发展概况。

    It also details the history and present condi-tion of the laser weapons developed by the US three services and briefs the research and development of the laser weapon of the Soviet Union , Germany , France and the People 's Republic of China .

  15. 您这儿卖中国电影的激光视盘吗?

    Do you have some VCD of Chinese movies ?

  16. 中国高功率激光切割机出口最大的企业;

    The enterprise with the largest export of laser cutting machine in China ;

  17. 中国当前的激光产品仍然处于增长阶段,所以,当前的市场营销目标是增加市场份额。

    As china 's present laser product is still in growth stage , the present marketing objective is increasing market share .

  18. 中国目前对激光技术方面的感兴趣程度,说明关于北京最终将研发一种破坏卫星的武器的假想是合乎情理的。

    China 's current level of interest in laser technology suggests that it is reasonable to assume Beijing eventually could develop a weapon to destroy satellites .

  19. 中国已经使用高能激光干扰美国卫星,依照一位美国陆军空间-战专家所说。

    China has used high-energy lasers to interfere with US satellites , according to a US Army space-warfare specialist .

  20. 中国遗传学会《激光生物学报》第五届编辑委员会

    The 5 ~ ( th ) Editorial Board of ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICA Sponsored by the Genetics Society of China ON INSTITUTE

  21. 在中国剑杆织机激光切割表面质量等离子切割制造已达到了激光切割成本的下限。

    In China 's rapier loom laser cutting surface quality plasma cutting manufacturing has reached the lower limit of laser cutting costs .

  22. 并据此简要地分析了影响科学技术发展的一些基本因素。限于篇幅,作者将激光技术在中国的发展简况放在论文的附录部分,使读者能够大致了解到中国激光发展的概要。

    Simply analyse the infection to the development of morden technology , limit to length , the development of laser technology in China is put in the finality of this dissertation .