
  • 网络Chinese environment;Environment of China
  1. 中国环境中氮循环的动态模式

    Dynamic modeling of nitrogen cycling in environment of China

  2. 中国环境污染与投资、贸易、GDP的关系

    A Study on the Relationship between Pollution and Investment , Trade & GDP in china

  3. 中国环境友好企业计划的设计与实施

    Framework and Implementation of " China Environmental Friendly Enterprise " Program

  4. 企业制度改造对中国环境保护的影响及立法对策

    Impact of Enterprise System Reform on Chinese Environmental Protection and Legislative Counter-measure

  5. 试论中国环境保护标准发展战略

    Make a Study of Development Strategy on China Environmental Standard

  6. 中国环境库兹涅茨曲线的倒U型特征显著;

    China 's Environment Kuznets Curve appears reversed " U " outstandingly ;

  7. 中国环境行政执法能力建设现状调查与问题分析

    Survey on the Capacity of Environmental Administrative Enforcement in China

  8. 中国环境外交的发展历程及其在国际社会中的地位和作用

    The Course and its International Status and Role of China Environmental Diplomacy

  9. 全球化与中国环境法制现代化

    Globalization and the Modernization of China 's Environmental Legal System

  10. 中国环境生态形势的空间分异研究

    A Study on Distribution of Eco environmental Situation in China

  11. 中国环境监理信息系统总体结构设计研究

    Study on the Design of Overall Structure of China Environmental Monitoring Information System

  12. 21世纪中国环境法制建设的理性回归

    The Ration Returning of China 's Environmental Law System Construction in the 21st Century

  13. 从环境伦理的视角谈对中国环境威胁论的批判

    Criticizing " the Chinese Environmental Threat Theory " from the Angle of Environment Ethics

  14. 经济危机背景下中国环境资源立法的系统思考

    Systems Thinking on China 's Environmental Resources Legislation in the Context of Economic Crisis

  15. 排污收费制度是中国环境政策中一个核心的管理手段。

    Levy system for pollutant discharge is a core management means in Chinese environmental policy .

  16. 中国环境犯罪立法模式之构想

    The conception of Chinese environmental legislation model

  17. 中国环境&健康区域综合评价

    The regional comprehensive environment-health assessment of China

  18. 严格责任与中国环境犯罪

    Strict Liability And Chinese Environmental Crime

  19. 中国环境考古学研究现阶段最需要的是工作方式与研究方法的改进。

    Now , the method of environmental archaeology research in China urgently needs to be improved .

  20. 论述了中国环境资源与环境污染现状。

    The existing environment and natural resources in China as well as pollution state are discussed .

  21. 未来五年中国环境保护投资需求及其重点领域分析

    Analysis on the Investment Needs and Priorities in Environmental Protection of China in the Next Five Years

  22. 第三章全面评述了中国环境税费制度的现状与缺陷。我国最为成熟的排污收费制度又有新的突破,但仍存在不足;

    The third chapter comments on the status quoes and defects of environmental tax regulations in China .

  23. 中国环境科学出版社

    China Environmental Science Press

  24. 以SO2排放控制和排污权交易为例分析中国环境执政能力

    Problems and Actions of China Environmental Governance : a Case Study on SO_2 Emission Control and Emission Trade

  25. 《中国环境科学》第26卷总目录(2006)

    China Environmental Science The Journal of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences CONTENTS OF VOLUME 26 ( 2006 )

  26. 近年来,中国环境恶化问题严重,它是各种因素共同作用的结果。

    In recent years , Chinese environment is worsened heavily , and it is the result of many determinants .

  27. 环境影响评价制度是中国环境保护法中的一项非常重要的基本制度。

    The system of Environmental Impact Assessment is a very important basic system of China 's environmental protection law .

  28. 日本八大公害案件裁决后的日本环境法发展及对中国环境法发展之借鉴

    The Development of Japanese Environmental Legal System After the Adjudication of Eight Nuisance Cases and Its Reference for China

  29. 我相信现在是推进中国环境保护的最佳时机,继续推行这些政策。

    So I feel very encouraged . I think now is the best time for environmental protection course in China .

  30. 环境监理专业是原国家环保局和中国环境管理干部学院共同创建。

    The subject of environment supervise was founded by both the formal National Environmental Protection Bureau and China Environmental Management Carder College .