
  • 网络History of Chinese Film;chinese film history;Chinese NationalCinema;History of Chinese Motion Pictures
  1. 中国电影史上一桩罕见的撞车公案

    An Unusual Coincidence in Chinese Film History

  2. 因此,张石川在中国电影史上是名副其实的第一个导演艺术家和第一个电影企业家。

    Zhang Shichuan was , therefore , genuinely the first director artist and the first film entrepreneur in Chinese film History .

  3. 中国电影史研究的发展趋势及前景

    The Developing Trend and the Future of the Study of the China Film History

  4. 中国电影史研究,长期以来受制于既有概念与问题的束缚。

    For years , the study of Chinese cinema has been constrained by pre-existing concepts and questions .

  5. 第四代导演的历史意识及其在中国电影史上的独特地位(上)

    Historical Awareness of Directors of the 4th Generation and Their Unique Status in the Chinese Movie History (ⅰ)

  6. 由于当时协会的领导者中有不少具有政府髙层官员身份,因此可以说这是中国电影史上最早的具有政府色彩的电影奖。

    This was the earliest governmental film award for some leaders of the association acted as senior government officials .

  7. 谢晋的名字已经作为近代中国电影史上现实主义的象征。

    Xie Jin 's name itself has been a synonym for realism in Chinese films in the past several decades .

  8. 百年中国电影史一个独特的文化景观就是六代电影导演谱系的形成。

    In one hundred Chinese film , a unique cultural landscape is the formation of the pedigree of the six generation film directors .

  9. 结语:总结三剑的发展历程,指出其在当代中国电影史上的历史价值。

    The conclusion concludes the history of Three-Sword Film Society and points out the historic value of Three-Sword Film Society in China film history .

  10. 作为一个优美、浪漫、诗意的文化空间,杭州在中国电影史中被不断地重新想象与建构。

    As a beautiful , romantic , poetic culture space , Hangzhou has been continuously imagine and constructs in the history of Chinese film .

  11. 这部电影的票房收入超过了56亿人民币,是中国电影史上票房最高的电影。

    The film has raked in more than 5.6 billion yuan at the box office as is the highest-grossing film of all-time in Chinese cinema history .

  12. 在中国电影史上,华语同性恋电影是伴随着华语传统社会的日益开放和世界同性恋运动的日益高涨而出现的。

    In the history of Chinese film , Chinese gay film is accompanied by traditional Chinese society and the world of increasingly open gay movement arising from growing .

  13. 上周日,在北京市中心的一家电影院,让中国电影史上一部具有标志性意义的作品成为可能的三个男人再度重逢。

    Last Sunday , in a movie theater in central Beijing , a reunion took place of three men who had made possible one of the defining works of Chinese cinema .

  14. 她独特的创作理念,鲜明的艺术个性以及在创作中不倦探索和对商业电影驾驭的尝试,在中国电影史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Her unique creative perspectives , distinctive artistic personality , tireless exploration as well as innovative attempt in taming commercial films , make her shine out in the history of the Chinese film .

  15. 纵观中国电影史,女性导演作为一个创作群体,虽然是中国电影发展的重要组成部分,却鲜少有能够代表女性身份的作品出现。

    Throughout the history of Chinese film , the women director as a creative group , constituted an important part during the development of the film . However , it rarely works to appear on behalf of female identity .

  16. 赵丹,原名赵凤朝,原籍山东肥城,出生于江苏南通,中国电影史上最卓越的男演员之一。

    Zhao Dan , born in Zhao Feng Chao in Nan Tong city , Jiangsu Province , whose ancestor hometown was in Feicheng , Shandong Province , was one of the most acclaimed and accomplished actors in Chinese film history .

  17. 第五章阐述新生代电影的电影史意义,认为新生代电影背离了第五代电影的主题,在中国电影史上具有开拓性的贡献。

    Chapter 5 expounds the historical significance of the films produced by directors born in the 1960s and 1970s , and believes that those films have deviated from the themes of the fifth-generation films and have therefore made pioneering contribution in film history .

  18. 作为抗战电影的主流,大后方电影在中国电影史的研究中至今十分薄弱,其面貌依然模糊不清。

    Notwithstanding being the mainstream of the films during the Anti-Japan War , the study of the Films in Main Rear Area ( FMRA ) in the history of Chinese film is still weak even now , and its visage is not clear yet .

  19. 1913年,严姗姗与丈夫黎民伟共同创办香港美华影片公司,并在该公司摄制的短片《庄子试妻》中饰演使女,成为香港及中国电影史上第一位女演员。

    In 1913 , Yan Shuji founded the Hong Kong Meihua Film Company with her husband Li Minwei , she played the role of the servant girl in Zhuang Zi Tests His Wife , became the first Chinese actress in Hongkong and Chinese film history .

  20. 少数民族电影是中国电影史不可忽视的一部分,它以少数民族独具魅力的历史文化为创作资源,以电影这一现代艺术形式为表现手段,被看作是民族文化与现代艺术的结合体。

    Minority film is part of film history can not be ignored , It minority charming historical and cultural resources for the creation , To film the performance of modern art in the form of means , be seen as a culture and a combination of modern art .

  21. 陡转现象是中国电影史上一个非常特殊的历史坐标,关于这个现象的分析对于研究早期中国电影产业和市场,以及中国电影发展的脉象有极其重要的意义。

    The change from pursuit of education and art to emphasizing profit is a very special historic coordinate of China film industry . Analysis of this phenomenon is of great significance to the research into early China film industry and market and to the development direction of China film industry .

  22. 作为一个电影事业家,他创办的“明星影片公司”赫赫有名,占据了中国电影史上的重要篇章,是当时中国营业时间最长,也是上海、香港二十世纪二、三十年代最大的电影公司之一。

    As a film entrepreneur , he originated Star Film Company which had preformed quite a lot of feats then in the Chinese film history . It was also the one which ran the longest in those days and became one of the largest Chinese production companies during the 1920s and 1930s in Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  23. 建构中国电影文化史

    Construction of Chinese Film Culture History

  24. 十七年电影(1949&1966年)是中国电影发展史上一个重要的历史时期。

    " 17 year movie " is an important historical period in the Chinese movie history .

  25. 影片《庐山恋》的文本及其影院放映实践是中国现代电影史的特殊个案。

    The film Romance on Lushan Mountain and its cinema practice is a special case in history of Modern Chinese film .

  26. 摘要在当代中国电影发展史上,第五代导演和第六代导演是两个重要的群体。

    In the history of contemporary cinema in china , directors from the fifth and sixth generation make up two important groups .

  27. 上周五,中国现代电影史上最伟大的女演员之一张曼玉荣获英国爱丁堡大学颁发的荣誉博士学位。

    One of modern cinema 's greatest Chinese actresses , Maggie Cheung , received an honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh on Friday .

  28. 迪斯尼方面发表声明称,《星球大战:原力觉醒》创下了中国内地电影史周六或周日的首映纪录。

    The China figures represent the highest Saturday or Sunday movie opening in the Chinese mainland in industry history , the film studio said .

  29. 真正符合史实地体现两个战场的分工合作的战争电影在中国的电影史上依然是空白。

    Consistent with the facts to truly embody the work of the two battlefields in the war films in the history of China 's film remains blank .

  30. 截止至上周五傍晚,周星驰导演的奇幻喜剧电影《美人鱼》票房已达24.5亿人民币(折合3.756亿美元),创下中国电影票房史上最高纪录。最高票房纪录在此前由许诚毅执导的《捉妖记》所保持。

    Director Stephen Chow 's fantasy comedy movie Mermaid grossed 2.45 billion Yuan ( $ 375.6 million ) by Friday evening , making history as the highest-grossing film ever in Chinese box office history .