
  • 网络Chinese peacekeeping police
  1. 中国维和警察防暴战术理论体系初探

    A Study on the Theoretical System of Tactics for Chinese Peacekeeping Police

  2. 对警察学及其学科体系建设的构想中国维和警察防暴战术理论体系初探

    Thinking over the " Police Theory " and the Construction of Its Academic System ; A Study on the Theoretical System of Tactics for Chinese Peacekeeping Police

  3. 这是今年1月在海地地震中不幸罹难的8名中国维和警察灵柩运回中国的照片。

    This photo honors the eight Chinese peace-keeping police officers who lost their lives in the devastating Haiti earthquake .

  4. 中国维和警察特色理论是中国维和警察学科理论体系基本框架的重要组成部分。

    China peacekeeping police characteristic theory is an important part of the basic framework of China peacekeeping police science system .

  5. 成立于2003年3月的中国维和民事警察培训中心就担负着维和警察的选拔和培训任务。

    The training center for peace-keeping Chinese civil policemen , established in March , 2003 , is responsible for screening and training policemen to keep peace abroad .