
  • 网络China's natural resources;natural resources of China
  1. 中国自然资源丰富。

    China is abundant with natural resources .

  2. 论生态文明视阈下中国自然资源法的完善

    On Perfecting Natural Resources Law From the Perspective of Ecological Civilization

  3. 中国自然资源权属新探

    A New Search for Attribution of Titles to Natural Resources in China

  4. 中国自然资源使用权制度比较研究

    Comparison of User 's Rights over Natural Resources in China

  5. 中国自然资源优势观的重构

    Reconstituting the Outlook of Superiority of China 's Natural Resources

  6. 关于中国自然资源综合考察的某些发展趋势之管见

    Opinion about some trends on the integrative survey of natural resources in China

  7. 中国自然资源经济学研究综述

    A Research Summary on Natural Resources Economics in China

  8. 中国自然资源与环境

    Natural Resources and Environment of China

  9. 中国自然资源产权混合市场建设的制度路径

    Designing the institution mode for building up the china 's nature resource property rights mixed market

  10. 党的十七大明确提出要建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。这正是对当前中国自然资源和环境遭到严重破坏的回应。

    The 17th National Congress of the CPC explicitly proposed to build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society which precisely responds to the current severely-damaged natural resources and environment .

  11. 受中国自然资源总量、分布约束和城市化战略选择,推进中国农村工业化的扩张性、可持续发展应选择区域集中发展模式。

    Kept within the bound of total natural resource and its distribution and the strategic choice of cities , it is of necessity to adopt the mode of regional rural industrialization to promote extensive and sustainable development .

  12. 摘要通过对北欧、日本两大优秀设计文化的观察、比较,以及对中国自然资源环境和传统美学的观察,得出在全球化浪潮中构建中国现代意义的本土设计美学的价值和意义。

    Through the comparison of the outstanding design culture of northern Europe and Japan and the study on the environment of natural resources and the traditional Chinese aesthetics , the thesis put forward the value and meaning of constructing native design aesthetics .

  13. 但是由于中国自然资源有限,国民人均消费水平不高,人们对高尔夫的认识程度不一,促使我们探索出一条适合我国高尔夫发展的道路。

    But China resource is limited , and the average consumption is low , moreover , the difference of golf knowledge among people is wide . All of these points request us to devote a new way which applies to China Golf development .

  14. 过去,我们看到中国购买自然资源和品牌商品,但一家中国银行成为金融领域一宗大型国际交易的债权人,这还是首次,瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)日本以外亚洲区首席经济学家陶冬表示。

    We 've seen China buying natural resources and brand names in the past but this is the first time a Chinese bank has acted as creditor for a major international transaction in the financial sector , said Dong Tao , chief economist for non-Japan Asia at Credit Suisse .

  15. 中国对于自然资源的饥渴正引发越来越多的国内而非国外问题

    China 's hunger for natural resources is causing more problems at home than abroad

  16. 俄罗斯和南非与巴西一样,向中国销售自然资源。

    Russia and South Africa , like Brazil , sell natural resources to China .

  17. 一些分析人士将其归因于中国的自然资源需求。这种需求已对数个非洲国家的收入起到了推动作用。

    Some analysts attribute this to demand for natural resources from China , which has boosted income in several African countries .

  18. 众所周知,中国的自然资源十分丰富,这使得中国具备良好的条件发展工农业。

    As generally known , China has abundant natural resources , which equip it with good conditions for the development of its industry and agriculture .

  19. 中国对自然资源和能源的投资,一定程度上是受到中国经济根本需求的驱动。中国经济一直持续快速增长。

    Chinese investment in natural resources and power is being driven in part by the fundamental needs of the Chinese economy , which continues to grow at a rapid pace .

  20. 从澳大利亚内陆的铁矿石,到苏丹的油田,全世界都感觉到了中国对于自然资源的渴望,而这一直是推动全球价格升至时代高点的一个重要因素。

    China 's hunger for natural resources is being felt around the world , from the iron ore mines of outback Australia to the oil fields of Sudan , and has been a big factor in forcing up global prices to generational highs .

  21. 美国农业部经济研究所(EconomicResearchService)的经济学家盖尔(FredGale)说,长期而言,中国需要放松自然资源基础承受的压力,并进口更多食物。

    China will need to ease pressure on its natural resource base and import more of its food over the long-term , ' said Fred Gale , an economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture 's Economic Research Service . '

  22. 中国贫困地区自然资源的开发利用途径

    Ways to exploit and utilize natural resources of poverty areas in China

  23. 中国世界自然遗产资源现状特征与发展对策

    Current Characters and Development Countermeasures of the World Natural Heritage Sites in China

  24. 中国自然保护区资源利用模式案例研究

    A Case Study on the Utilization Model of the Resources in China Nature Reserves

  25. 中国双向式自然资源发展战略研究

    Natural resources and development & Study on China 's two-way natural resources utilization strategy

  26. 中国不同省份自然资源禀赋差异对经济增长的影响

    The Effects of Natural Resource Abundance Difference on Economic Growth in Different Provinces in China

  27. 中国对莫桑比克自然资源的兴趣有所深化,同意在一个煤炭项目中投资10亿美元。

    China has deepened its interest in Mozambique 's natural resources , agreeing to invest $ 1bn in a coal project .

  28. 中国对澳大利亚自然资源的需求,与澳大利亚对中国产服装、体育用品、玩具和电脑的购买欲望形成了互补。

    China 's need for Australian natural resources is complemented by Australia 's appetite for Chinese-produced clothing , sporting goods , toys and computers .

  29. 中国非常渴求自然资源,而拉美拥有丰富的自然资源,同时需要资金开发储备,他表示。

    The Chinese are very hungry for natural resources , while Latin America is rich in resources and needs capital to develop its reserves , he says .

  30. 结果表明,中国气田的自然资源条件并不优越,目前的气田开发水平还相对较低。

    Through analyzing it is shown that the natural resource conditions of the gas fields in China are unfavourable and the gas field development level at present is relatively low .