
  1. 一位伟人的嘱托,一部著作的问世,揭开了中国资本主义萌芽的迷离的面纱。

    A great man 's entrustment and a book 's publishment uncovered the veil of the seed of capitalism in China .

  2. 烟草种植与中国农业资本主义萌芽的关系

    On tobacco planting and capitalism budding in Chinese agriculture

  3. 在中国随着资本主义萌芽的产生这种社会性别制度也有了一定的改变,有些进步人士和文人开始反对传统的性别观念,提出解放女性、提倡男女平等的要求。

    There was a little change in gender discrimination with the generation of the germination of capitalism in China , some progressive and scholars began to against the traditional concept of gender discrimination and propose the requirements for the liberation of women and gender equality .

  4. 其三为前近代中国的经济结构和发展水平,中外学者围绕着中国资本主义萌芽问题,发表了诸多不同的看法。

    " the economic structure and development level of early modem China ", a problem concerning the rudimentary stage of capitalism in China , on which scholars at home and abroad have aired their different views .