
  • 网络china railway;Chinese Railways
  1. 中国铁路总公司表示,新的铁路运行图提高了我国客运和货运列车的运力。

    A new railway operating plan has increased the country 's passenger and freight train capacity , according to China Railway Corp.

  2. XC型自动设备识别系统已成功应用于中国铁路。

    XC automatic equipment identification system has been successfully used in China railway .

  3. StanleyWang是中国铁路建设项目在中国西部的工地主管。

    Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China .

  4. “由中国铁路部带领,中国行政力量在谈判中有优势,”Wu说道。

    " Led by Chinese Ministry of Railways , China 's administrative power played advantage in the negotiations ," Wu said .

  5. 本文在充分研究中国铁路客运专线建设的实际情况的基础上,提出了基于分散自律体系的客运专线运营调度系统总体方案,并采用多Agent技术构建客运专线运营调度系统。

    This paper is intended to describe the overall solution for the proposed decentralization-and-self-regulation-based traffic dispatching system for passenger-dedicated railway lines and how the multi-agent technology is used in the system .

  6. 论述了建设中国铁路信息基础结构CRⅡ的重要性和紧迫性,信息化包括的内容,CRⅡ的基本模式和关键技术。

    This article deals with the importance and urgency to establish Chinese Railway Information Infrastructure ( CR ⅱ) and the basic modes and key technologies .

  7. 瑞银证券(UBSSecurities)驻上海的运输业分析师RobinXu说:这份波士顿合同表明,中国铁路设备公司能够与外国品牌竞争。

    The Boston deal shows that Chinese railway companies can compete against foreign brands , says Robin Xu , a Shanghai-based transport analyst with UBS Securities .

  8. 2009年,作为中国铁路工程总公司旗下子的公司,中国海外工程有限责任公司中标了波兰A2高速公路项目的A、C两标段,总长49公里。

    COVEC , a subsidiary of China Railway Group , one of the Asia 's largest construction and engineering firms , won the contract to build a49km stretch of highway in Poland in2009 .

  9. 上月,伦敦上市公司非洲矿业(AfricanMinerals)同意以1.68亿美元,向中国铁路物资总公司(CRM)出售其12.5%的股权,外加未来铁矿石产出的承购协议。

    Last month , London-listed African Minerals agreed to sell China Railway Materials Commercial Corporation a 12.5 per cent stake in the company for $ 168m , as well as an off-take agreement for its future iron ore output .

  10. 根据现场测试数据及列车定位要求,提出了中国铁路GNSS增强系统建设方案。

    Based on the field test and analysis of the requirement of train positioning , GNSS augmentation technologies were discussed and a recommendation solution for China railway was presented .

  11. 以中国铁路部门新研制的ST型新型缓冲器的缓冲弹簧为计算对象,就螺旋弹簧的寿命估算、缺陷容限及可靠度指标的确定给出了一套综合分析方法。

    The spring of new type ST draft gear developed recently in China railway department is regarded as research object , and then the synthetic analysis method of coil spring on estimating life , determining limitation of defect and index of reliability is given .

  12. 而解决这些问题最有效的方法就是建立基于MQSeries的铁路分布式确报系统。首先分析了中国铁路货运确报系统现状,明确了基于MQSeries的铁路分布式确报系统的必要性。

    The most effective solution of these problems is to establish railway distributed system of consist based on MQ Series . Firstly , the Chinese rail freight situation of consist systems is analyzed , and the necessity of MQ Series-based railway distributed consist information system is cleared .

  13. 上周四,中国铁路投资有限公司、浙江吉利控股集团和腾讯正式成立了一家合资企业,以开发和运营一个集成平台,为中国各地的高铁用户提供WiFi服务。

    A joint venture was officially launched last Thursday by China Railway Investment Co Ltd , Zhejiang Geely Holding Group and Tencent to develop and operate an integrated platform that will provide WiFi services to high-speed rail customers across China .

  14. 为了保证动车组200km/h的运行安全,研发了中国铁路既有线200km/h动车组列控系统(CTCS-2)。

    In order to ensure safe operation of 200km / h trainset , 200 km / h automatic train control system ( CTCS-2 ) for Chinese existing railway was developed .

  15. 据联合国为援助机构设立的网站reliefweb报道,“中国铁路车皮停止进入朝鲜,严重影响了”到朝鲜的食品发货。

    ReliefWeb , a United Nations website for aid agencies , reported that the delivery of food stocks into North Korea had been " critically affected by the cessation of movement of railway wagons from China " .

  16. 中国铁路桥梁钢结构设计及市场机遇

    The steel structural design and market opportunity of China Railway Bridge

  17. 中国铁路智能运输系统模拟试验基地的总体规划

    General Plan of China Railway Intelligent Transportation Simulation & Test Base

  18. 中国铁路运输企业运营模式研究

    Study on the Operation Mode of Railway Transportation Enterprise in China

  19. 中国铁路运输安全工作的回顾与思考

    Review and Thoughts on the Safety Work of China Railway Transportation

  20. 环境时代的中国铁路建设新举措&绿化

    New Measure on Chinese Railway Construction during Environmental Times & Afforestation

  21. 中国铁路工程地质世纪发展成就

    The century developments and achievements of engineering geology for China Railway

  22. 中国铁路运输业发展现代物流的思考

    Study of Developing the Modern Logistics of China Railway Transport Industry

  23. 中国铁路物资集团管理模式研究

    Study on Management Mode of China Railway Supplies and Procurement Group

  24. 中国铁路利用国外贷款项目评估方法的探讨

    On the Evaluation Method of Chinese Railway Projects Utilizing Foreign Loan

  25. 当代中国铁路春运报道研究

    Research on China 's Contemporary Railroad Spring Festival Transportation Report

  26. 中国铁路工程科技发展思考

    Thoughts on Development of Science and Technology for Railway Construction in China

  27. 中国铁路在运输市场中的功能、地位和发展

    The Function , Role and Development of Chinese Railway in Transportation Market

  28. 中国铁路水害环境致灾因子分析

    Analysis of environmental factors on railway flood disaster in China

  29. 中国铁路既有线路提速的社会效益评价研究

    Research on Social Benefit Evaluation of China Existing Railway Speed-up

  30. 中国铁路系统职工医疗保险调查研究

    An Investigation of Medical Insurance of Railway Workers in China