
  1. 采用J2EE技术的设计模式,提出了基于中央储备粮直属库业务系统的设计原则、设计方法,并提出了系统的总体架构设计,网络架构设计,功能架构设计。

    Uses the J2EE technology the design pattern , proposed based on the central grain reserves subordinate storehouse operational channel principle of design , the design method , and proposed the system overall construction design , the network construction design , the function construction design .

  2. 中央储备粮的供给具有短期和公共物品两大特征。

    Characteristics of state grain reserves decide its management .

  3. 中央储备粮调控传导影响因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Influencing Transmission of Control and Regulation of State Grain Reserves

  4. 伪中央储备银行研究

    A Study on the Central Reserve Bank of China

  5. 中央储备粮管理机制研究

    Research on Managing Mechanism of State Grain Reserves

  6. 同时剖析了我国中央储备粮和地方储备粮为主体的粮食储备体系的特征和缺陷,进而提出健全我国粮食储备体系的对策建议。

    Suggestions have been made by dissecting the state and local grain reserve system .

  7. 中央储备粮轮换制度下吉林直属库轮换营销策略研究

    The Study of Jilin Storeroom Rotate Marketing Strategy in the Central Store on Food Rotate System

  8. 建立和完善中央储备粮动态规模管理。

    It is necessary to Establish and improve the dynamic reserve management of state grain reserves .

  9. 中央储备粮平度直属库是隶属于中国储备粮管理总公司直接管理的中央直属企业。

    The company 's management system can not be directly control with the specific business operations .

  10. 实现中央储备粮各级管理部门的角色转变。

    Changing the roles of administrative sectors at all levels of state grain reserves is necessary .

  11. 本文以中央储备粮赤壁直属库粮情监控系统的设计和实现为背景,介绍了嵌入式系统在微机监控系统中的应用过程。

    This paper will introduce the application of embedded system in the grain detecting and controlling system .

  12. 京晶:嗯,商务部已经将冻肉(中央储备肉)投放市场,防止价格继续飞涨。

    Well , the Commerce Ministry has now put that frozen pork on the market , to keep prices from going through the roof .

  13. 虽然印度中央储备银行调高利率之举,在各方预料之中。但是0.5个百分点的调升幅度,还是让经济学家大吃一惊。

    Although the Reserve Bank 's move in hiking interest rates was widely anticipated , the half a percentage point raise caught economists by surprise .

  14. 中央储备粮宁乡直属库对职工进行了全面的检验知识、仓储知识、计算机知识等内容的培训。

    State Grain Reserves Ningxiang Depot has given its work force an all-rounded training for the knowledge of inspection , warehousing , and computers , etc.

  15. 主要得出以下研究结论。1、建立和完善中央储备粮动态有序的运作机制。

    The main conclusions are as follows : 1 、 Establishment and improvement a dynamic and well-ordered operation mechanism of state grain reserves is characterized as ;

  16. 中央储备粮是国家调控粮食市场的重要物质手段,是关系国家经济政治安全的重要战略物资。

    The grain stored for state is an important material method to regulate grain market , which is a strategic material related security of national politics and economy .

  17. 中央储备粮调控目标是应对粮食危机&实现市场粮食价格稳定和紧急供给。

    The objective of control and regulation of state grain reserves is to mitigate food supply crises , i.e. to achieve market stability of food prices and emergency supply .

  18. 通过中储量管理系统,确保中央储备粮数量真实、质量良好,确保国家急需时,调得动,用得上。

    Through the reserves management system management system , guarantees the central grain reserves quantity real , the quality is good , guarantees time the national urgent need , can transfer , useful .

  19. 中央储备粮是保证粮食宏观调控的物质基础,是政府可控制的用于粮食危机事件的主要物质资源。

    State Grain Reserves ( SGR ) is the material foundation for grain macro-control and regulation . Meanwhile , SGR is the main material resource available for the government to mitigate food supply crises .

  20. 在中央储备量直属库业务的基础上,根据直属库的日常业务和操作流程,对直属库的业务系统进行了全面的需求分析。

    In the central margin subordinate storehouse service foundation , according to the subordinate storehouse daily service and the operation flow , to subordinate the storehouse the operational channel to carry on the comprehensive demand analysis .

  21. 实现中央储备粮规模总量、库存形态、品种结构和布局安排的动态管理,最大限度地发挥储备粮的市场调控作用,实现有限资源的充分利用。

    Dynamic reserve management includes reserve amount , stock categories , stock structure and spacious distribution , which enables the market balancing function of state grain reserves to the maximum extent and realizes the full use of limited resources .

  22. 运用霍尔三维结构的思想,建立中央储备粮三维分析结构,能够更加全面地理清储备粮危机管理思路,实现运用储备粮对粮食危机潜伏期、暴发期和平息期等危机生命周期的有效应对。

    The three-dimensional analytic structure of state grain reserves which is built by the Hall three-dimensional theory ( Arthur D. Hall ) helps the decision making to deal with the food supply crisis in the course of delitescence , breaking up period and ending period .

  23. 在认真回顾和总结国内外粮食储备管理的基础上,本研究期望借助系统科学的研究方法,把中央储备粮管理作为一个系统,运用耗散结构理论对储备粮管理进行分析和讨论。

    After reviewing and summarizing the managing mechanism of strategic grain reserves in China and other countries , this research considers the managing mechanism of state grain reserves as a system and applies the method of system science ( dissipative structure theory ) to analyze and discuss the system .

  24. 将GIS技术应用到中央直属储备粮库的管理,建立了中央直属储备粮库地理信息系统,论述了系统的设计方法、实现技术。

    Technology of GIS is applied to the management of grain reserving depots directly under the State Council and their GIS is established . Based on the application , some methods and principles are presented . concerning the system design are presented .

  25. 目前全国的粮食仓储能力已经能基本满足政府粮食储备和企业周转储存的总体需求,现有中央和地方储备粮的规模已经相当于全国粮食年消费量的16%左右。

    And the total scale of national grain reserve has reached 16 % of the total national grain consumption each year .

  26. 除了数量不足,中央救灾物资储备代储点少、容量小、分布也不均衡,西部储备严重不足。

    Except for the insufficient quantity , there are also other problems with the central reserve system , including the small capacity of each storehouse and its scarcity and unbalanced distribution .

  27. 中央银行的外汇储备面临很大的汇率风险。

    The central bank 's foreign exchange reserve is exposed to tremendous risk .

  28. 但由于同时期的财税改革,地方政府财政收入枯竭,还要投入大量的基础设施建设,因而对中央明确要求的储备粮建设是阳奉阴违。

    However , due to the fiscal reforms in the same period , the depletion of local government revenue , and a lot of infrastructure construction , the local governments maintain a double face toward the specifically requested construction on grain reserves by the central government .

  29. 因此,中央政府应在粮食储备中承担主要责任;当然,地方政府储备不是彻底取消,而是需要调整,个重要方向就是要配合中央储备,突出特色,增强机动灵活性。

    Therefore , the central government should assume primary responsibility in the food reserves ; Of course , the grain reserve of the local government is not completely canceled , but requires the needed adjustment .