
  • 【电力】central pump house
  1. 实践表明,其保护功能齐全,使用维护方便,适于在煤矿井下中央水泵房应用。

    The practice proves that it has complete protection functions and convenient maintenance , which is suitable for underground central pump station of coal mine .

  2. 井下排水是伴随着采矿工程产生的一项系统工程,目前国内大多矿井的中央水泵房还在采用传统的水位报警和人工操作结合的排水模式。

    Underground drainage is accompanied by a mining project to systems engineering , most domestic central pump houses are still using mine traditional water drainage system and alarm manual mode .

  3. 随着矿井的技术改造和生产能力的提高,原有中央水泵房的排水能力已不能满足生产需要。

    Along with the technique reformation of the mine and the exaltation of the production abilities , the drainage ability of the original central pump house of water can 't satisfy it .

  4. 虽然一些国有矿井已实现中央水泵房的自动化改造,但对于采区工作面产生透水事故,却表现出滞后性的弊端。

    While some state-owned mines have achieved the automation of transformation of the central pump house , but face mining area produced flooding accident , but to show the shortcomings of the lag .

  5. 根据煤矿生产调度综合自动化的要求,结合目前测控技术和网络技术的发展,本文提出一种实现矿井中央水泵房综合自动化的设计模式。

    According to the requirement of colliery production and dispatching integrated automation , combining with the development of present measuring control technology and network technology , the article introduces a designed mode to actualize integrated automation of mine central pump room .