
  • 网络central valley
  1. 加州中央谷地(CentralValley)农业今年将面临17亿美元的损失,原因在于该地区遭遇了据称是500年以来最严重的旱灾。

    The state 's Central Valley agriculture industry , for example , stands to lose $ 1.7 billion this year as a result of what some believe is the worst drought to affect the region in 500 years .

  2. 在中央谷地东部丘陵地带的卡拉韦拉斯县——马克·吐温(MarkTwain)让当地的跳蛙出了名——可以看到连续多周晴朗无云的天气对新梅洛内斯湖的影响。

    You can see the result of endless weeks of cloudless skies in New Melones Lake , here in Calaveras County in the foothills east of the Central Valley , where Mark Twain made a legend of a jumping frog .

  3. 城市滨水地区持续开发的成功实例&美国丹佛市普拉特中央谷地规划(1991)

    A Successful Case on Continuous Development of Urban Waterfront & Planning of Central Platte Valley in Denver ( America 1991 )

  4. 加利福尼亚州的几十个城市,尤其是在旧金山湾区、中央谷地和西南海岸,都已界定了城市成长边界。

    Dozens of California cities , especially in the San Francisco Bay area , the Central Valley , and the southwestern coast , have created urban growth boundaries .

  5. 位于中央谷地的克洛维斯市,接到了将用水量减少36%的命令,自从6月开始执行减少用水量的命令以来,该市已经开出了逾2.3万张罚单。

    The Central Valley city of Clovis , faced with an order to cut back 36 percent , has meted out more than 23000 fines since the mandatory water reductions began in June .

  6. 加州庞大的管道输水系统位居世界前列,却需要合适的雪量才能为中央谷地的务农者和硅谷的技术人员提供服务。

    The state 's massive plumbing system , one of the biggest in the world , needs adequate snow in order to serve farmers in the Central Valley and techies in Silicon Valley .

  7. 经济发展导致社会结构变迁,奠定了以中央谷地为核心的现代城市格局,中产阶级和工人阶级两大新兴社会阶层崛起。

    Economic development led to changes in social structure . The pattern of modern urbanization with the Central Valley at its core had been formed . The middle class and working classes grew up as the emerging social classes .

  8. 一天下午,在中国不同地区为宝钢集团工作的七名男子乘坐同一辆高尔夫球车穿过了公园的中央谷地。额尔齐斯河经过这里,最后流入北冰洋。

    One afternoon , a group of seven men who worked for Baosteel Group in different parts of the country rode together on a golf cart through the park 's central valley , carved by the Irtysh River as it flows to the Arctic Ocean .