
  • 网络centroplasm
  1. ALD以中央白质受累为主,MLD仅累及中央白质而周边白质未受累,CD、PMD和AD中央及周边白质均受累。

    The central white matter was involved mainly in ALD , but the central white matter was involed only in MLD and the periphery white matter was spared . The central and periphery white matter were all involved in CD , PMD and AD.

  2. 鞭毛和中央胞质区的融合在两者已分别生长到相当长度后才开始。

    The fusion of flagella and median cytoplasmic process happens when they have grown to a certain length .

  3. 位于大脑半球的后下方和延髓的上面,分为左右两半球,每侧半球由中央白质和表层灰质所构成,分成三叶。

    Located below the cerebral hemispheres and behind the upper medulla oblongata and pons , each of its two connected hemispheres has a core of white matter within a cortex of gray matter .

  4. 弥漫性轴索损伤后3h,光镜下发现脑干、小脑上脚及胼胝体的中央灰质和白质区大片细胞肿胀。

    At 3 hours after DAI , a few cells swelling of central gray matter and white matter were observed in brain stem , superior cerebellar peduncle and corpus callosum .

  5. 结果:16例腮腺标本均可见腺体萎缩,小叶中央坏死,间质纤维化,血管管腔狭窄,但小叶边缘浆液性腺泡细胞和间质内导管存在。

    Result : The parotid gland atrophy , necrosis in the center of parotid gland lobule , interstitial fibrosis and narrowing of blood vessel lumina were observed , and serous acinar cells in the lobule margin and duct in interstitial tissue persisted in 16 specimenes of radiated parotid gland .