
zhōng céng
  • middle-level;mesosphere;intermediate deck;medio-;middler
中层 [zhōng céng]
  • (1) [mesosphere]∶位于平流层顶和中层顶之间的大气层,距地面高度约在50-85公里之间

  • (2) [middle-level]∶指机构、组织、阶层等中间的一层或几层

  • (3) [middler] ∶属于中间的分组、部分或级别的人

中层[zhōng céng]
  1. WTO浪潮下民营企业中层管理的困境与对策

    Predicaments and Countermeasures of Middle-level Management in Private Enterprises in the Wave of WTO

  2. 一汽&大众公司选拔后备中层管理人员AC测评方法应用研究

    The Application of AC in Middle-level Manager Selection FAW-Volkswagen

  3. 中层管理人员中女性所占比例已经上升至40%。

    The proportion of women in middle management has risen to 40 % .

  4. 基层和中层公务员已承诺要加入到无限期罢工中来。

    Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike .

  5. 认股权在未来会发挥更大的作用,将激发中层管理者的工作热情,使其有更出色的表现。

    Share options will play a bigger role in future , putting zip into the performance of middle managers

  6. Lionfood(狮子食)指中层管理岗或者类似级别行政职位的人。为什么要用lionfood来指代中层管理人员呢?据说这背后有个小故事。

    Lion food refers to anyone in middle management or a similar administrative position .

  7. 社会分为上层、中层和下层阶级。

    Society is divided into upper , middle and lower classes .

  8. 北半球中层大气中NOx的垂直分布特征

    NO_x Vertical Distribution in the Middle Atmosphere in the Northern Hemisphere

  9. 中层顶Na层稳定性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on stability of Na layer at mesopause

  10. 公路工程企业监理与施工管理两方中层PM领导行为有显著差异。

    PM leadership behaviors in engineering and contract have significant difference .

  11. 早发冠心病患者颈总动脉内膜&中层厚度与载脂蛋白E基因型的关系

    Relationship between Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness and Apolipoprotein E Genotypes among Patients with Premature Coronary Heart Disease

  12. 空腹胰岛素、性别、超敏C反应蛋白、颈动脉内膜中层厚度为影响瘦素的最为显著的因素。

    Fasting insulin , sex , allergic c-reactive protein , carotid intima-media thickness of influence of leptin is the most significant factors . 4 .

  13. 方法分离SD大鼠主动脉中层平滑肌,培养平滑肌细胞。

    Methods The medial smooth muscle of SD rat arteriae aorta was separated and the smooth muscle cell was cultivated .

  14. DreamWeaverMX中层的应用―模拟对话框

    Simulating Dialog : The Application of Layer in Dreamweaver MX

  15. 西尼地平对高血压患者左室中层机制、负荷状态血流动力学及RAS的影响

    Effects of Cilnidipine on Left Ventricular Midwall Mechanism , Haemodynamics during Isometric Exercise and RAS in Patients with Essential Hypertension

  16. 中层心肌细胞分布与长QT综合征中折返激动发生机制的计算机仿真研究

    A Computer Simulation Study on the Relation of the Dispersion of M Cells and Reentrant Action in the Long-QT Syndromes

  17. 儿童大骨节病关节软骨中层X型胶原表型表达(0.0%)较成人大骨节病组(34.0%)减弱(P

    The positive rates of Col X expression in the middle zone of articular cartilage had significant difference between the children ( 0.0 % ) and the adults ( 34.0 % ) with KBD ( P

  18. 利用ARGO浮标提取中层海流信息研究

    A Study on the Acquirability of Mid-Depth Current Information by the ARGO Float

  19. 应用超声多普勒对所有病例的颈动脉进行检查,检测颈动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)及粥样斑块。

    Colour Doppler ultrasonography was used to measure intima-media thickness ( IMT ) and atherosclerotic plaque of carotid arteries .

  20. 同时采用B型超声诊断仪测量患者颈动脉内膜-中层厚度(IMT)及动脉粥样斑块。

    The intimal - medial thickness IMT of carotid artery and plaques were detected with B - mode Doppler .

  21. 利用Argo浮标定位信息估算分析赤道太平洋中层流场状况

    Evaluation and analysis of Mid-Depth currents of the equatorial pacific using ARGO float position information

  22. 对胸主动脉内径、内膜-中层厚度(IMT)、僵硬度(β)和粥样斑块进行了评价。

    Measurements of aortic diameter 、 intemal medial thickness ( IMT )、 stiffness index (β) and atherosclerotic plaque were made .

  23. 偶尔也会出现较强的12h和弱的8h潮汐振荡,这说明在中纬地区的冬季,24h潮汐是中层顶区域主要的潮汐成分。

    These indicate that in the mid-latitude regions , the diurnal tide is the dominant tidal disturbance at mesopause in winter .

  24. 高频超声检测颈动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)、粥样斑块分级是反映动脉粥样硬化的无创性指标,它与冠状动脉粥样硬化有较好的相关性。

    Increase in intima-media thickness ( IMT ) of carotid arteries is a noninvasive index to reflect the degree of atherosclerosis .

  25. 经过优化设计,基本健全了YL炼油厂中层管理人员的绩效考核体系。

    Optimized design , the basic sound of the YL refinery middle management staff performance appraisal system .

  26. 使用一枚携带chaff的火箭观测到的垂直速度数据,研究中层大气垂直速度扰动细微结构。

    Vertical velocity data observed from a chaff rocket measurement are used to study the small scale structure of the vertical velocity fluctuations .

  27. 秋季和冬季吕宋海峡100m以浅流量明显大于春季和夏季,但在次表层和中层,四个季节海峡处流量差距不大。

    In autumn and winter , flow through the Luzon strait above 100 m is much larger than it in spring and summer in surface layers .

  28. 结果从糖耐量正常、糖耐量低减至糖尿病,随着糖代谢异常的加重,颈动脉内膜中层逐渐增厚、血NO逐渐降低、CRP逐渐升高(P0.05或P0.01)。

    Results From NGT , IGT to DM , the carotid IMT was increased gradually , whereas the level of blood NO decreased and CRP increased respectively ( P0.05 or P0.01 ) .

  29. 信息技术和MSS应用对企业中层管理人员决策工作上产生影响。我们从管理支持技术特征和决策模式等方面,探讨MSS对企业组织中管理决策工作影响。

    We discuss with the impact of MSS on the managerial decision works in the firms from the attribute of managerial support technique .

  30. 目的利用颈动脉超声评价不同糖代谢人群中动脉内膜中层厚度(IMT)的变化及主要危险因素。

    Objective To investigate whether early carotid atherosclerosis indicated by change in intima-media thickness ( IMT ) is different among different glucose metabolism states .