
zhōng xīn shì
  • Miocene;Miocene epoch
中新世[zhōng xīn shì]
  1. 讨论了红河断裂剪切方式的转变过程与岩块运动的关系,论证了歹字形构造体系形成于约20Ma的中新世时期。

    Finally , author have discussed the relationship transformation process of the Honghe fault shear mode and block movement , proofed that the eta-type tectonic system was formed in Miocene epoch .

  2. 景谷盆地的原盆地&大景谷盆地则是中新世时形成于两条走滑断层左侧叠覆区内的地堑式菱形断陷盆地。

    In the overlap part of the two main faults , the left-lateral strike-slip movement of them in Miocene Epoch formed the rhomboid and graben downfaulted Big Jinggu Basin the original basin of the Jinggu basin .

  3. 按照轴向地心偶极子模型,得出中新世该地区的古纬度为28.3°N。

    According to axial geocentre dipole model , the paleolatitude there during Miocene was 28.3 ° N.

  4. 盆地内某些区域,在层序III之下,还存在层序V,为残留的中新世沉积物。

    In some areas of the trough basin , sequence V , which is residual Miocene sediments , deposited beneath the sequence III.

  5. 中新世2000~3000m的沉积厚度表明了相对较高的隆升速率。

    2000 to 3000 m thick Miocene sediments indicate a relatively higher uplifting rate .

  6. 量测了34个台湾西部地区中新世岩样的镜质体反射率并计算了Gini系数,探讨了量测镜质体反射率的不均性结果与其Gini系数之间的相关程度。

    In order to evaluate the correlation between variance of measured vitrinite reflectance data and Gini coefficient , 34 Miocene sedimentary rock samples were collected from western Taiwan .

  7. 西太平洋Lamont海山中新世以来富钴结壳成矿环境的演化

    Evolution of Ore-forming Condition of Co-rich Crusts From Lamont Guyot in the Western Pacific Since the Miocene

  8. 中新世以来,双河组(N1s)地层的褶皱走向为NE向,此期间盆缘主断裂变为左旋逆推性质;

    Since the Miocene , the fold in the Shuanghe group ( N1s ) stroke in NE when the main fault on the basin rim changed into sinistral thrust .

  9. 从中新世后期开始的厚达2000~3000m的磨拉石沉积,其粒度向上加大,显示从中新世后期到早更新世隆升速率高而且是加速的。

    2000-3000 m of molasse started in the late Miocene and with a coarsening-up tendency show a rapid and accelerated uplifting from the late Miocene to early Pleistocene .

  10. 该地块自中新世以来向SE方向倾斜是南苏丹裂谷带在后裂谷热沉降阶段造成的裂谷肩块体的向内旋转。

    The rotation of the Mellit block toward northwest was the outward rotation of the northwestern shoulder of the South Sudan Rift during the rifting phase , and the rotation toward southeast was the inward rotation of the rift shoulder during the post-rift thermal sag episode .

  11. 冲绳海槽海底中新世化石的发现及其地层意义东海DC-2孔柱状岩芯的地层划分

    Miocene fossils from Okinawa Trough and their Stratigraphical Significance the stratigraphical division of DC-2 columnar core from the East China Sea

  12. 中新世&第四纪前陆盆地的沉降中心向北迁移至叶城-喀什一线,快速的沉降作用堆积了5000~6000m的粗碎屑沉积物。

    The subsidence center of the Miocene-Quaternary foreland basin has migrated northward to Yecheng-Kashi where 5000 ~ 6000m of coarse clastic sediments have been accumulated as a result of rapid subsidence .

  13. 上/下第三系界线置于浮游有孔虫N4带的底较为合适,南海东部公司目前所定义的珠海组的时代应归于早中新世;

    The boundary between the Neogene / Palaeogene Formation is located at the bottom of the N4 zone containing forams . The age of Zhuhai Formation defined by Nanhai East Corporation is Early Miocene .

  14. 晚中新世大幅度扩展的C4植物,就是光合作用演化的一种途径,适应于CO2浓度较低的大气,也适应于温暖而季节性干旱的季风气候。

    The remarkable expansion of C_ ( 4 ) biomass in late Miocene was an adaptive evolution in photosynthesis , as C_ ( 4 ) photosynthesis was more adaptive to the lower concentration of CO_ ( 2 ), as well as to monsoonal climate with warmer temperature and seasonal aridity .

  15. 推测可可西里地区中新世早-中期海拔高度已超过了2000m,并已超过影响行星风系的临界值,阻挡了来自海洋湿润气流进入内陆,导致气候变干。

    The altitude of Hoh Xil region might have exceeded 2000m in early-middle Miocene . Thus the higher altitude influenced the planetary system of winds , which in turn prevented the moist air into the inland from the ocean and caused the dry climate .

  16. 本文详细研究了山旺中新世22.95m厚的硅藻土沉积剖面上以10~30cm为间距所采集的130块孢粉样品,鉴定出111个孢粉类型。

    Pollen samples collected in a space of 10 ~ 30 cm from Shanwang sedimentary profile with a thickness of 22.95 m are studied in detail in this paper . 111 pollen and spore taxa , as well as their nearest living relatives have been recognized .

  17. 新生代亚洲形变,也使得亚洲季风系统在早中新世形成,又在约8Ma与约3Ma时强化。

    The Cenozoic deformation of Asia was also responsible for the initiation of the Asian monsoon system during the early Miocene and its further strengthening at ~ 8 Ma and ~ 3 Ma .

  18. 中新世,燕山造山运动减弱,导致马更些湾和阿卡帕克(Akpak)阶海侵沉积,该时期为扩散被动大陆边缘盆地。

    Middle Miocene , Yanshan orogeny weakened , resulting in the Mackenzie Bay and Acre Parker ( Akpak ), order transgressive deposition , and the period for the diffusion of a passive continental margin basins .

  19. 新疆塔里木盆地中新世有孔虫及其地质意义

    Miocene foraminifera of Tarim basin , Xinjiang and their geological significance

  20. 意大利南部雷焦卡拉布里亚地区中新世沉积作用

    The Miocene Sedimentation in the Reggio di Calabria , South Italy

  21. 青海西宁盆地中新世地层及哺乳动物群性质

    Discussion on Miocene stratigraphy and mammals from Xining basin , Qinghai

  22. 柴达木盆地中新世叠层石成因与古环境研究

    Study on Miocene stromatolites genesis and related paleo-environment in Qaidam basin

  23. 临夏盆地中新世至上新世微量元素分布意义上新世-更新世近海砂层

    Trace elements distribution significance of the Linxia basin from Miocene to Pliocene

  24. 羌塘中部后中新世叠瓦式逆冲推覆构造

    Post-Miocene Imbricate Thrust Structures in Middle Qiangtang , Western China

  25. 山东聊城地区中新世生物地层学研究

    A Study on Miocene Biostratigraphy in Liaocheng , NW Shandong

  26. 南海北部深水区中新世生物礁发育特征

    The Miocene reef development characteristics in northern South China Sea

  27. 上、下超压系统的形成时间一致,均在中新世以后。

    Both lower and upper overpressure systems formed after Miocene .

  28. 甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世豪猪一新种

    A porcupine from late Miocene of Linxia basin , gansu , China

  29. 中新世中期11&10Ma是喷发和堆积的鼎盛时期。

    It reached climax in 11-10 Ma of Middle Miocene .

  30. 构造沉降过程可划分为7个时期.其中渐新世和中新世为快速构造沉降时期。

    The process of tectonic subsidence can be divided into 7 periods .