
  • 网络oriental cuckoo;cuculus saturatus
  1. 方法采用薄层色谱法对滴丸中杜鹃素进行定性鉴别,运用紫外分光光度法测定滴丸中总黄酮含量。

    Methods A TLC method was used to qualitatively identify farrerol in dropping pills , the UV method was used to determine the content of total flavonoids in the pills .

  2. 在绝境中,杜鹃终于鼓起勇气,揭开情欲中的层层迷雾,坦然面对残缺的自己。

    Finally , Simsii called up all her courage , unveiled her lust and faced the imperfect self at ease .

  3. 自然降温过程中云锦杜鹃抗寒适应性研究&水分、渗透调节物的动态变化与低温半致死温度的关系

    Study of the Cold-Resistant Adaptability of Rhododendron fortunei during a Natural Drop in Temperature & The Relationship Between the Dynamic Changes of Water Content and Osmoregulation Substances and the Semilethal Low Temperature

  4. 那雾锁的山谷中新透杜鹃凄凉的悲哀叫喊。

    That lock fog valley through rhododendron bleak new sad shouting .

  5. 英诗中夜莺与汉诗中杜鹃之意象观照

    English nightingales and the Chinese cuckoo : A comparative view of poetic images