
  • 网络toxic neuropathy;ChronicalcoholicnervousdiseaseCAND
  1. 慢性乙醇中毒性神经病26例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 26 cases of toxic neuropathy caused by chronic alcoholism

  2. 目的:观察阿米三嗪萝巴新对慢性酒精中毒性神经病(CAND)的疗效。

    Objective : To research the curative effect of almitrine and raubasine treating chronic alcoholic nervous disease ( CAND ) .

  3. 阿米三嗪-萝巴新治疗慢性酒精中毒性神经病

    Almitrine and Raubasine Treating Chronic Alcoholic Nervous Disease

  4. 铅毒性的遗传易感性毒物与中毒性周围神经病

    Molecular genetic susceptibility to lead poisoning TOXICANTS AND TOXIC PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY

  5. 药物中毒性周围神经病电生理随访研究38例

    Follow-up Survey Electromyography Analysis of 38 Cases of Drug Peripheral Neuritis

  6. 中毒性周围神经病的肌电图及神经电图分析

    Analysis of electromyogram and electroneurogram on toxic peripheral neuropathy

  7. 严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病16例患者的电生理学改变

    Electrophysiological study of 16 patients with severe N-hexane neuropathy

  8. 28例正己烷中毒性周围神经病电生理学检查分析

    Analysis on electrophysiological examination in 28 cases of peripheral neuropathy by n-hexane poisoning

  9. 结果:1.芍药甘草汤治疗慢性中毒性周围神经病疗效显著。

    Herbaceous liquorice decoction in treating chronic toxicity peripheral neuropathy curative effect is distinct . 2 .

  10. 代谢、营养和中毒性周围神经病是周围神经病中比较常见而重要的类型。

    Metabolic , nutritional and intoxicational neuropathies are more common and important types of peripheral neuropathies .

  11. 目的观察经积极治疗后的严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病患者的电生理变化规律,探讨预后。

    Objective To observe electrophysiological changes of severe N-hexane neuropathy getting active therapies and discuss its prognosis .

  12. 中毒性周围神经病可用周围神经传导速度检测作为诊断的参考指标。

    The peripheral nerves conduction velocity test can be applied as a referential index to diagnose toxic peripheral nerve disease .

  13. 结论严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病患者电生理表现明显异常,经积极治疗后,电生理指标可望恢复正常,临床预后良好。

    Conclusion The electrophysiological abnormalities in severe N-hexane neuropathy patients can restore after treatment , and clinical prognosis is good .

  14. 目的研究药物中毒性周围神经病的神经电生理特点,为临床早期诊断及判断预后提供依据。

    Objective To study electro-physiological characteristics of drug peripheral neuritis , and give some support to early diagnosis and prognosis judgement clinically .

  15. 结论:1.芍药甘草汤的应用提高了慢性中毒性周围神经病的临床疗效。

    Conclusion : 1 . Herbaceous liquorice decoction in the application of chronic toxicity improved the clinical curative effect of peripheral neuropathy . 2 .

  16. 目的研究甲胺磷中毒迟发性神经病的周围神经病理特点,并探讨三磷酸胞苷二钠(CTP)、地塞米松对有机磷中毒迟发性神经病(OPIDN)是否有保护作用。

    Objective To study peripheral nerve pathological characteristics of delayed neuropathy induced by methamidophos , and to investigate the curative effect of CTP and dexamethasone to the Organophosphate induced delayed neuropathy ( OPIDN ) whether or not .

  17. 急性有机磷农药中毒迟发性神经病的影响因素

    The influence factors of delayed neuropathy caused by acute organophosphate insecticide poisoning

  18. 有机磷中毒迟发性神经病临床特点及康复2例报道

    Clinical Features and the Rehabilitation for Organophosphate-induced Delayed Polyneuropathy : 2 Case Report

  19. 鸡有机磷中毒迟发性神经病的模型建立及病理研究

    Establishment of animal model for experiment study on delayed neuropathy by organophosphates using hens

  20. 目的探讨有机磷中毒迟发性神经病的发生发展规律。

    Objective To explore the occurrence and development of delayed neuropathy caused by organophosphorus pesticide poisoning .

  21. 神经生长因子对丙烯酰胺中毒性大鼠周围神经病的治疗作用

    Therapeutic effect of nerve growth factor on acrylamide-intoxicated peripheral neuropathy in rats

  22. 儿童有机磷中毒后迟发性神经病15例分析

    Analysis of 15 cases of child delayed neuropathy induced by organophosphorus poisoning

  23. 有机磷中毒迟发性周围神经病临床及电生理分析有机磷引起的迟发性神经病

    Clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of delayed peripheral neuropathy caused by organophosphorus intoxication

  24. 结论有机磷农药中毒迟发性周围神经病是一种以轴索病变为主的周围运动神经病。

    Conclusion Delayed peripheral neuropathy caused by organophosphorus intoxication may represent mainly motor peripheral neuropathy .

  25. 黄芪注射液治疗有机磷杀虫剂中毒致迟发性神经病

    The Effect of Huangqi Injection in the Treatment of Tardive Neuropathy Caused by Acute Organophosphorous Insecticide Poisoning

  26. 因此可见,有机磷农药中毒后迟发性神经病,主要病变位于运动神经系统,可产生典型神经性肌萎缩。

    It proves that main pathological changes of delayed neuropathy subsequent to organic phosphorus pesticide were in moter nerves and it could result in typical neurogenic muscle atrophy .