
  1. 为探明接种E.中美大使级会谈研究(1955-1958年)

    The level of E. Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks ( 1955-1958 )

  2. 浅论中美大使级会谈的背景

    On the Background of Ambassadorial-Level Talks Between China and the US

  3. 中美大使级会谈研究(1955-1958年)

    Grade . Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks ( 1955-1958 )

  4. 肯尼迪时期中美大使级会谈的美方目的

    Trial Analysis on the Position and Purpose of US about Ambassador-Level Talks between China and US during Kennedy-ruling Period

  5. 1969年第135次中美大使级会谈的筹划及流产

    Planning and Preparation of the 135 ~ ( th ) Sino-American Ambassadorial Talks in 1969 and the Talks ' Abortion

  6. 肯尼迪执政时期的中美大使级会谈进行了近20次。

    Ambassador - level talks between China and US had been carried on for nearly 20 times during Kennedy-ruling period .

  7. 为促成中美大使级会谈的早日举行,印度派出代表转圜于北京和华盛顿之间。

    In order to make Sino-US ambassadorial-level meeting held at an early time , Menon shuttled between Beijing and Washington .

  8. 在近乎隔绝和充满敌意的年代,中美大使级会谈是两个没有正式外交关系的国家进行官方接触的唯一渠道。

    In those years dominated by separation and hostility , the Chinese-American ambassadorial talks represented the only official channel of communication between the two countries without formal diplomatic relationship .