
  • 网络IF transformer;ift
  1. 焊接电源的主电路采用输出功率较大的IGBT全桥式逆变结构,由输入整流滤波电路、逆变电路、中频变压器、输出整流电路和输出直流电抗器组成。

    Main circuit , which applies IGBT full-bridge inverter structure , is made up of rectifier , filter , high-frequency transformer and output reactance .

  2. 其主电路采用全桥式拓扑结构,以IGBT管为功率开关器件,中频变压器使用微晶磁心。

    Full bridge topology was used in the main circuit , IGBT was used as power switching device , and micro-crystal core was used in mid-frequency transformer .

  3. 本文针对PWM逆变器,讨论、分析了中频变压器引起的关断尖峰电压,并通过实验验证了磁性材料对变压器性能的显著影响。

    The peak voltage at switching off intermediate frequency transformer of PWM inverter is discussed in this paper . It is proved that the magnetic material has great influence on transformer performance by a experiment .

  4. 同时对输入整流滤波电路、IGBT逆变电路、输出整流滤波电路和中频变压器等各个元件参数进行了详尽的参数设计和选用。

    At the same time , each parameter of those components in input – rectifier-filter circuit , output-rectifier-filter circuit , IGBT inverter circuit , intermediate frequency transformer etc. are designed and selected elaborately .

  5. 逆变弧焊电源中频变压器的设计

    Design of medium frequency transformer of arc welding inverter

  6. 研制了应用于软开关逆变焊接电源的中频变压器。

    An intermediate-frequency transformer applied to soft switch inverter welding electrical source is developed .

  7. 中频变压器引起的尖峰电压分析

    Analysis on Peak Voltage Caused by Intermediate-Frequency Transformer

  8. 换流过程中,中频变压器漏感尖峰电压能够较好的消除。

    In the commutation process , intermediate frequency transformer leakage inductance voltage spike has been elimination .

  9. 图象信号中频变压器

    Image intermediate frequency transformator

  10. 系统主要特点为:多个变换模块级联,采用前端变频以及中频变压器电气隔离。

    Its main features are : multiple conversion module cascade , front-end frequency conversion and intermediate frequency transformers electrical isolation .

  11. 利用变频方法,以中频变压器取代低频变压器,从而使引弧器具有体积小、重量轻和引弧可靠的特点。

    By changing frequency , using an intermediate-frequency transformer instead of a low-frequency transformer can make the arc starter small , light and reliable .

  12. 中频变压器在逆变器中起重要作用,也是引起开关工作时电路冲击响应的主要原因。

    Intermediate-frequency transformer plays an important role in inverter , at the same time it is the main cause to result in the surge response in circuit during switch working .

  13. 通过借鉴收音机中频变压器,组成信号输入的双回路谐振电路,对接收信号进行选频,完成对输入信号放大、解调、信号整形等电路的设计。

    Referred to the principle of the intermediate frequency transformer , dual-loop resonant circuit of input signal is constructed to select frequency . And the enhanced , demodulated , reshaped circuits of input signal are designed .

  14. 半桥式逆变焊接电源的一个完整工作周期分为6个阶段,以8个时段给出了不同阶段的功率开关管集电极电压、中频变压器一次侧电流和二次侧电压以及整流二极管电流的波形。

    The working period of semi bridge inverter power source is distinguished into six stages . The voltage and current waves of devices including intermediate frequency transformer , power switch output rectifiers are given respectively at the eight different time period .

  15. 介绍了中频升压变压器的设计难点和设计过程。

    The design difficulties of the intermediate frequency transformer are introduced .

  16. 中频淬火变压器用于工件的透热、淬火、退火、弯管钎焊等工艺。

    Medium frequency transformer quenching is used for workpiece diathermy , quenching , annealing , brazing , etc.

  17. SPWM中频电源输出变压器偏磁分析与控制

    The analysis and control of magnetic bias for SPWM inverter transformer

  18. 三相中频直流高压电源主回路的设计包括三相桥式整流电路,电压型全桥IGBT逆变电路,中频变压器升压和高压硅堆全桥整流的主电路结构设计。

    The design of the main circuit for three-phase intermediate frequency high-voltage DC power supply includes the full-bridge rectifier circuit , he voltage full-bridge IGBT inverter circuit , and the intermediate frequency transformer with full-bridge rectifier circuit .