
  • 网络if amplifier;IF AMP;IFA
  1. 数字HDTV接收机中频放大器的优化设计

    Optimized design of IF amplifier for digital HDTV receiver

  2. 可变增益宽带低噪声中频放大器

    A Wide Band Low Noise IF Amplifier with Variable Gain

  3. 一种适用于ASK接收器中的双极型对数中频放大器,具有接收信号强度指示的功能(RSSI)。

    A bipolar logarithmic intermediate-frequency ( IF ) amplifier with received signal strength indicator ( RSSI ) circuit for ASK Receiver is presented .

  4. 重点研究了自动增益控制电路(AGC)的工作原理,并利用ADS软件设计出可变增益中频放大器。

    The paper focused on the basic theory of Automatic gain control ( AGC ) and used ADS software to design variable gain amplifier .

  5. 电化学伏安分析中放大器的低噪声设计声频信号中频放大器

    Low Noise Design of Amplifier in the Voltage-ampere Analysis of Electrochemistry

  6. 射频/中频放大器SF1550的研制

    Development of A Radio Frequency / Intermediate Frequency Amplifier IC

  7. 声频信号中频放大器能复制、放大声音形成声音的音频系统。

    An audio-system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound .

  8. 接收射频前端中频放大器增益控制电路设计

    A gain control design of IF amplifier applied in the receiver RF destination

  9. 一种宽带低噪声中频放大器的设计

    Design of a Wide-Band Low-Noise Intermediate Frequency Amplifier

  10. 2130MHz太阳射电望远镜中频放大器的调试

    Test of the Intermediate Frequency Amplifier of the Solar Radio Telescope at 2130 MHz

  11. 中频放大器产生自激振荡的原理

    Principle of Medium Frequency Amplifier Produces Self-excited Vibration

  12. 中频放大器组件的研制

    Development of IF Amplifier with Module

  13. 双增益对数中频放大器

    Double Gain Logarithmic Intermediate Frequency Amplifier

  14. 混合集成大动态低噪声前置中频放大器

    A Hybrid Low-Noise IF Preamplifier

  15. 接收机并包括四种电路,即低噪声效大器、介质稳频振荡器、混频器和中频放大器。

    The receiver consists of a low noise amplifier , a dielectric resonator oscillator , a mixer and an IF amplifier .

  16. 主要介绍大动态低噪声前置中频放大器SH301电路的设计及典型应用参数。

    A wide-dynamic-range low-noise IF preamplifier is presented . The design of the cir-cuit and typical parameters for applications are described .

  17. 并根据研制过程重点介绍了脉冲调制器、中频放大器、视频放大器、滤波器等几个关键系统部件的设计及研制情况。

    Also the designing process of pulse modulator , intermediate frequency amplifier , video frequency amplifier and analog filter is introduced in the dissertation .

  18. 其中接收链路由低噪声放大器、射频前端预选滤波器、混频器、中频放大器和中频放大器组成,本振链路由倍频器、放大器和滤波器组成。

    The receiving link of the subsystem is composed by a low-noise amplifier , RF front-end pre-filter , mixer , IF filter and IF amplifier .

  19. 介绍了一种基于高频低噪声双极浅结工艺的低噪声、宽带中频放大器单片集成电路。

    A low noise , wide band IF amplifier is presented in the paper , which is based on a high frequency , low noise bipolar shallow junction process .

  20. 对系统中比较重要的部件中频放大器和积分器进行了自行的设计,最后利用指导老师提供的其余部件组合成系统。

    At last an intermediate-frequency amplifier and integral amplifier were designed , using the two parts of the detector and some other parts which supplied by tutor , a millimeter passive detector was assembled .

  21. 文中介绍了用于校准噪声源的一种S波段的全功率辐射计及其中频放大器的设计,并给出了该辐射计的稳定性和灵敏度记录曲线。

    This paper introduces the design of the S-band total power radiometer which can be used for calibration of the noise source , and design of its IF amplifier . Recording curves of the stability and sensitivity of the radiometer are also given .

  22. 本文首先从整体上介绍了高频头的工作原理及技术指标,对整个高频头按照性能分为五大模块:低噪声放大器、镜像抑制滤波器、介质振荡器、混频器和中频放大器。

    This paper first overall introduced the work principle and technical specification of the LNB , divided into five modules according to its performance , low noise amplifier ( LNA ), image-reject filter , dielectric resonator oscillator ( DRO ), mixer and IF amplifier .

  23. 尤其是随着低噪声放大器混频器中频放大器这种低噪声微波接收机模型的广泛使用,对镜频干扰的抑制已逐渐成为整机低噪声、抗干扰的最后难题。

    Especially , with the wide use of the low noise microwave receiver model of " low noise amplifier - mixer - intermediate frequency amplifier " , the rejection to image frequency interference has become the last problem how to make the whole receiver 's noise low and resist interference .

  24. 一种指数增益控制型高线性CMOS中频可变增益放大器

    A Highly Linear CMOS IF Variable Gain Amplifier with Exponential Gain Control

  25. 设计了一种适于DVB-C标准的中频可变增益放大器。

    An intermediate frequency ( IF ) variable gain amplifier ( VGA ) for DVB-C ( Digital video broadcasting-cable ) standard is presented in the paper .

  26. 这使得这些为今天的高速视频和监控应用,以及数字射频和中频频率设计放大器的理想选择。

    This makes these amplifiers ideal for today 's high speed video and monitor applications , as well as a number of RF and IF frequency designs .

  27. 该接收机设计时采用一次混频中频数字化结构,系统前端电路由前置带通滤波器、两级自动增益控制电路、混频电路和中频放大器组成。

    The receiver system is implemented by a mixer and digital IF structure , and the RF front-end part of receiver is implemented by the pre-BPF , two auto gain control circuits , mixer and IF amplifier circuit .