
  • 网络serial asynchronous communication
  1. MCU串行异步通信的几种实现方法与编程实例

    Implementation and Programming Example of Serial Asynchronous Communication For MCU

  2. 磁悬浮列车的多路串行异步通信系统,在DSP并行总线上扩展UART芯片,采用RS-485总线串行通信,并以硬件实现异步数据传输。

    The multi serial asynchronous communication system in maglev vehicle extended UART chip in DSP parallel bus , adopted RS-485 bus for serial communication and realized asynchronous data transmission by using hardware .

  3. Windows环境下的串行异步通信程序设计

    The Design of A Serial Port Asynchronous Communication Program in Windows Environment

  4. 讨论串行异步通信的有关技术及在Windows环境下利用VC(Visualc++)进行串行异步通信的程序设计方法。

    The paper has discussed the asynchronous communication techniques and the methods in designing the asynchronous communication program of serial interface in windows with VC ( Visual C + + ) .

  5. 采用基于自由口通信的串行异步通信模式,建立嵌入式计算机与PLC之间的通信系统。对数据传输格式进行研究,提出用文本的方式来传送二进制数据。

    Adopting serial port communication mode which bases on the free port communications to establish the communication system between embedded computer and PLC , making research on the format of data transmission , and proposing the idea that sends binary data in the form of text .

  6. 数据通过串行异步通信接口SCI传输到微机,微机将以dat文件形式存储采样数据,我们可以对采集到的数据进行处理。

    Data will be transmitted to the microcomputer via the serial asynchronous communication interface SCI , and will be stored in the form of Dat file . We can deal with the collected data .

  7. 介绍一种基于STD5000总线的变电站微机监控与保护系统远方通信的软硬件实现方法,该系统采用串行异步通信、CDT规约,利用内部计时器的周期性中断循环发送,编程采用8086汇编语言模块化设计。

    It presents a telecommunication system of microcomputer centralized protection and control system for substation , which is based on STD bus . It uses serial asynchronous communication CDT protocol , and periodic interruption to transmit information . The software is written with 8086 assembly language .

  8. 工业控制系统串行异步通信研究

    Study on Serial Asynchronous Communication of Process Control Systems

  9. 一种实现串行异步通信的软件方法

    A software implementation of serial asynchronous communication

  10. 上位机采用常用的串行异步通信来控制下位机,上下位机都要接受和发送数据,重点是解决上位机的发送和接收数据。

    The master computer controls the slave computer with the normal serial asynchronous communication , them both send and receive data , especially the master computer .

  11. 介绍一种利用微机上串行异步通信接口和8301单片机中串行接口实现多机通信的方法。

    The method is introduced of implementation of multi-computers communications by means of serial asynchronous communication interface of a computer and serial interface of Type 8031 one-chip microcomputer .

  12. 分析了串行异步通信协议中涉及的传输模式、流量控制、传输透明性、数据校验、加密方式等问题,提出了开发一个高效的串行异步通信协议的方法,并以实例进行了具体描述。

    This paper analyzes problems of transport mode , flow control , transport transparency , data check-up , encryption mode in serial asynchronous communication protocol . The method of developing a high - efficiency serial asynchronous communication protocol is presented and described with an application .

  13. 针对工业控制系统应用调制解调器进行串行异步数据通信存在的问题,提出了有效的处理方法。

    In accordance with the existing problems in process control systems using modems for serial asynchronous data communication , effective handling measures are stated .

  14. 基于串行总线的异步通信是一种实用高效的数据传输方式。

    The serial asynchronous communication is an efficiency data transfer method .

  15. 用单片机的串行口实现异步双机通信

    Use of Singlechip Serial Interface in Asynchronous Two Machine Communication

  16. 分析各种常用串行通信编程方案的特点,着重介绍基于Win32API的多线程串行异步通信技术。

    This paper analyses the characters of usual serial communication programming , and introduces the technique of multithread serial asynchronization communication based on Win32 API .