
  1. 目的探讨临床肝移植后巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的一般特征、临床表现以及诊断和防治方法。

    Objective To study the characteristics , diagnosis , treatment and prophylaxis of cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) infection after liver transplantation .

  2. 结论HABC技术的实施,可为临床肝移植中预防HAI损伤,减少肝移植术后并发症,特别是胆道并发症的发生提供有效的方法。

    Conclusion The HABC technique can not only avoid HAI injury during operation but also alleviate the occurrence of complication after transplantation , especially the biliary tract complication .

  3. 目的总结多种临床肝移植技术的经验。

    Objective To sum up the clinical experience of liver transplantation .

  4. 40例临床肝移植血管和胆管重建经验

    Experience of vascular and bile duct reconstruction in 40 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation

  5. 结论:大动物的肝移植实验研究是临床肝移植的必要技术准备;

    Conclusion : Experimental study of liver transplantation in large animals is necessary technical training .

  6. 目的:总结在地市级医院开展临床肝移植的经验。

    Objective : To sum up the experience of carrying out liver transplantation in municipal hospital .

  7. 目的:探讨猪原位肝移植手术中血流动力学、血气指标的变化规律及其对移植成功的影响,为临床肝移植做准备。

    Objective : To study the regularity of hemodynamics and blood change in porcine orthotopic liver transplantation .

  8. 结论:进行肝移植的动物实验是临床肝移植前非常必要的训练过程。

    While starting a liver transplantation program , it is advisable to conduct first animal experimentation for the training of a good team .

  9. 目的:探讨不同热缺血时间的无心跳供肝在临床肝移植中应用的疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the safety and therapeutic effect of different warm ischemia time ( WIT ) of non-heart beating ( NHBD ) liver graft in clinical liver transplantation .

  10. 目的:探讨动物猪肝移植模型的麻醉处理和血流动力学的变化旨在为临床肝移植提供资料和经验。

    Objective : To get the experiment data and experiences for clinical liver transplantation , the anesthesia method and hemodynamic changes were observed during the surgery of pig liver transplantation model .

  11. 结论ERCP处理肝移植术后胆道内胆栓安全可行,近期疗效较好,可作为临床处理肝移植术后胆栓的主要手段。

    Conclusion Therapeutic ERCP for the biliary cast syndrome after liver transplantation is feasible , safe and effective , and can be the management of choice for BC after OLT .

  12. 目的探讨肝移植前后,肝硬化大鼠胃肠道粘膜免疫改变的情况,为临床施以肝移植术后观察胃肠道粘膜免疫的变化和胃肠道功能的恢复提供理论依据。

    Objective To observe the change of gastroenterology mucosal immunity before and after transplantation of liver .

  13. 目的探讨和总结临床活体肝移植的手术经验。

    Objective To evaluate and summarize the operative experience of living related liver transplantation ( LRLT ) .

  14. 临床活体肝部分移植术供肝的切取技巧

    Resectional skills of donor 's liver in living related liver transplantation

  15. 临床活体肝部分移植受体的免疫抑制治疗

    Immunosuppressive treatment on recipient of living related liver transplantation

  16. 临床活体肝部分移植术围手术期感染的防治

    Prophylaxis and management of infection during perioperative period in clinical living related liver transplantation

  17. 临床活体肝部分移植10例的适应证及手术时机

    Indications and timing of operation for 10 patients with clinical living related liver transplantation

  18. 目的探讨小儿临床活体肝部分移植术的技术。

    Objective To review the technicality of living related , reduced size pediatric liver transplant .

  19. 目的报道1例临床活体肝部分移植受体的免疫抑制治疗情况。

    Ain To report a case of immunosuppressive treatment on recipient of living related liver transplantation .

  20. 方法:通过所经治的10例临床活体肝部分移植术患儿,报告了口腔粘膜病变的特点。

    Methods : The characters of oral mucosa diseases were studied in 10 cases of partial liver transplantation in children .

  21. 目的为临床辅助性肝移植的开展,探索供肝切取及植入方法。

    Objective To investigate the technique of donor hepatectomy and transplantation in order to undergo clinical auxiliary partial liver transplantation ( APLT ) .

  22. 多层螺旋CT测量肝脏体积的实验和临床研究及对肝移植的应用价值

    Study of 3-dimensional Liver Volume Measurement and Its Clinical Application for Liver Transplantation Using Multiple-slice Spiral CT

  23. 终末期肝功病模型(modelforend-stageLiverDisease,MELD)是近年来创立的判断终末期肝病患者的肝脏储备功能的新方法,其在临床应用尤其在肝移植方面已显示出许多优越性。

    The Model for End-stage Liver Disease ( MELD ) is a new method to evaluate the liver store function of the end-stage liver disease in recent years . It has showed much more advantages in clinical practice , especially in liver transplantation .

  24. 中国原发性肝癌临床分期预测肝癌肝移植预后的临床研究

    Prediction of prognosis of liver transplantation for primary liver carcinoma by its clinical staging in China

  25. 肝移植的基础研究和临床研究显示:肝移植手术技术已经成熟,患者的预后很大程度上取决于患者免疫耐受状况。

    Research showed that surgery technology had matured , the prognosis of the patients lied on the immunity tolerance .

  26. 结论:一套完整的围手术期护理干预措施对重症监护以及指导临床护理人员进行肝移植患者护理有重要临床意义。

    Conclusion : It is important clinic significance for liver transplantation patients with a suit of integrate nursing operation in peri-operation .

  27. 目的评价中国原发性肝癌临床分期对肝癌肝移植疗效的预测价值。

    Objective To assess the prognostic value of the clinical staging of primary liver carcinoma ( PLC ) for patients receiving liver transplantation in China .

  28. 同时,随着对临床肝外科、肝移植术等技术要求的日益提高,肝外科手术计算机模拟系统的建立已势在必行。

    Meanwhile , as the demands to clinical hepatic surgery and liver transplantation have been promoted increasingly , it is imperative to establish the hepatic surgery computer simulation system .

  29. 目的解剖观测胎肝门静脉、肝固有动脉、胆总管十二指肠上段、脐静脉及静脉导管,为临床辅助性胎肝移植提供解剖学资料。

    Objective To dissect and observe the portal vein , proper hepatic artery , common bile duct , umbilical vein and ductus venosus of fetal livers , in order to provide the anatomic data for auxiliary fetal liver transplantation .