
lín shí zhènɡ fǔ
  • interim government;provisional government
  1. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,这表明他们对乌克兰临时政府的支持。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports it 's meant to show support for the country 's new interim government .

  2. SOC已经帮助建立一个临时政府增强叙利亚内部地方治理的能力,增加人道主义援助及恢复一些解放地区的必要服务。

    The SOC has helped establish an interim government to enhance the capacity of local governance inside Syria , increase humanitarian assistance , and restore essential services in some of the liberated areas .

  3. 军方打算将政权移交给临时政府,并在6个月内举行选举。

    The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months .

  4. 临时政府的成员或被捕或逃亡

    Members of the provisional government were prisoners or fugitives .

  5. 索马里反政府武装组织青年党(al-Shabab)声称他们组织了这次袭击,原因是乌干达派兵支持索马里临时政府。

    The group al-Shabab says it organized the attacks because Uganda supplies troops to support the temporary government in Somalia .

  6. 与此同时,埃及临时政府刚刚在巴勒斯坦敌对的两大派别哈马斯(hamas)和法塔赫(fatah)之间撮合了一项协议,出乎美国意料。

    Meanwhile , the interim Egyptian government has just surprised the US by negotiating a deal between the rival Palestinian factions , Hamas and Fatah .

  7. 洪都拉斯被罢黜总统ManuelZelaya昨日设法回国,被临时政府勒令不准其在首都机场着陆。

    In Honduras , the ousted President Manuel Zelaya is vowing to try to return home after the interim government refused to let his plane land in Tegucigalpa yesterday .

  8. BloggerAbdelkefi说妇女们非常担心伊斯兰政权的回归,以致忽略了自身在现今临时政府管理下的地位,目前临时政府的23位部长中只有2为女性。

    Blogger Abdelkefi says women were so worried about the Islamists returning , they paid less attention to their place in the current interim government -- where only two of the 23 ministers are women .

  9. 利比亚临时政府全国过渡委员会(NTC)宣称,已从卡扎菲效忠者手中几占领拜尼沃利德镇绝大部分地区,并在此地升起利比亚新国旗。

    Forces of Libya 's interim authority , the NTC , say they 've raised the country 's new flag over Bani Walid after securing control over almost all of the town from Gaddafi loyalists .

  10. 美丽的烟花在夜空绽放,以欢迎利比亚临时政府首脑MustafaAbdulJalil至利比亚首都新命名的烈士广场。

    It was fireworks , popping in starbursts , to welcome Mustafa Abdul Jalil , head of Libya 's interim government , to the Libyan capital 's freshly renamed Martyrs'Square .

  11. 但是,奥图巴耶娃(RozaOtunbayeva)领导的吉尔吉斯斯坦临时政府坚持举行全民公投。

    But the country 's interim government , led by Roza Otunbayeva , has insisted on pressing on with the referendum .

  12. 与奥坦巴耶娃举行会晤之后,欧盟驻中亚高级代表PierreMorel否认欧盟卷入临时政府领袖和总统之间的任何调停工作。

    After a meeting with Ms. Otunbayeva , the top EU representative to Central Asia , Pierre Morel , denied the bloc is involved in any mediation between the provisional leaders and the president . " We are not , " said Morel .

  13. 吉尔吉斯斯坦临时政府领袖奥坦巴耶娃(RozaOtunbayeva)表示,她的临时政府希望就离开吉尔吉斯斯坦的问题与巴基耶夫协商,在不伤害更多无辜平民的情况下解决目前的僵持状况。

    Interim Kyrgyz leader Roza Otunbayeva says her government is willing to negotiate his departure from the country and wants to resolve the standoff without any more harm to innocent civilians .

  14. 南京临时政府法制建设的特点及重要意义

    Characteristics and Significance of the Legal System of Nanjing Interim Government

  15. 这就给革命者时间去成立了一个临时政府。

    This gave the revolutionaries time to declare a provisional government .

  16. 目前没有证明表明新的临时政府中有非塔利班成员。

    There was no evidence of non-Taliban in the new interim government .

  17. 军方支持的临时政府下令将他软禁。

    He remains under house arrest ordered by the military-backed interim government .

  18. 他并未说明临时政府将执政多长时间。

    He did not say how long the interim government would serve .

  19. 你的意思是,即将成立的临时政府会再宣布一个预算?

    Q.you mean the interim government to be formed will announce another budget ?

  20. 安南和平计划包括停火和关于临时政府的谈判。

    The Annan plan included a cease-fire and talks on a temporary government .

  21. 临时政府的合法性也在考量之中。

    The interim government 's legitimacy , too , is on the line .

  22. 此阶段包括南京临时政府时期和北京政府时期。

    This phase included the period of interim Nanjing government and Beijing government .

  23. 临时政府未来三个月的行动方案;

    Programme of action of the provisional government for the coming three months ;

  24. 他现在已经做好准备把权利正式移交给一个临时政府。

    He 's now ready to hand over power to an interim government .

  25. 此次选举被看做是使具有军方背景的临时政府合法化的关键一步。

    The election was seen as key to legitimizing the military-backed interim government .

  26. 论南京临时政府时期的财政

    On Public Finance of the Nanjing Provisional Government

  27. 它组成了一个临时政府。

    It had organized a provisional government .

  28. 这次会议的目的是要选出一个监督临时政府工作的特别委员会。

    The aim was to choose a special council to oversee the new interim government .

  29. 临时政府为了保证社会安定,发布了一系列法规。

    Temporary government issued a series of rules and law to keep the society stable .

  30. 巴基斯坦总统穆罕默德阿巴斯周日在临时政府宣誓,并宣布哈马斯军队非法。

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas swore in an emergency government Sunday and outlawed Hamas militants .