
  • 网络Temp;Temporary Internet Files;temporary directory;Temp File
  1. IORFileLocation:在您的文件系统上为所有临时文件夹提供一个有资格的路径。

    IORFileLocation : Provide a qualified path for any temp folder on your local file system .

  2. IORFileLocation:为你的本地文件系统上的临时文件夹提供一个有完整的路径(你要在上面有读/写的权限)

    IORFileLocation : Provide a qualified path for any temp folder on your local file system ( * you need to have READ / WRITE permissons on it ) .

  3. 关闭浏览器时,自动清除internet临时文件夹。

    Automatically clears the temporary Internet Files folder when you close the browser .

  4. 若要使用windows临时文件夹,请保持此选项为空白。

    To use the windows temporary folder , leave this option blank .

  5. MPI代码可以在临时文件夹中获得,如/tmp。

    The MPI code is available in a temporary folder , such as / tmp .

  6. 一旦视图servlet被调用,表单模板从数据库加载并释放到临时文件夹中,进一步的请求将从该文件夹得到服务。

    Once the view servlet is invoked , the form template is loaded from the database and extracted into a temporary directory , and further requests are served from this directory .

  7. 由于临时文件夹的组策略,访问被拒绝

    Access denied due to presence of group policy for temp folders

  8. 试图创建临时文件夹时出错。

    There was an error attempting to create a temp folder .

  9. 把临时文件夹删掉就好了。

    Just had to delete those temporary Internet files .

  10. 在本地机上您所选取的临时文件夹不存在。

    The temporary folder you have selected does not exist on the local computer .

  11. 找不到临时文件夹的位置。

    Cannot find location for temporary files .

  12. 退出时删除临时文件夹位数。

    Delete Temporary Folders on Exit bit .

  13. 清空系统临时文件夹?

    Empty Temp files directory ?

  14. 仅在发送或接收二进制表示类型的文件时才可使用临时文件夹。

    The temporary folder can only be used when sending or receiving files with a binary representation type .

  15. 在“导出注册表文件”对话框中的“保存位置”列表中,选择临时文件夹的位置,然后在“文件名”框中键入文件名。

    In the export registry file dialog box , select the location of the temporary folder in the save in list , and then type a file name in the file name box .

  16. 大多数过滤软件能让您将受拒的消息保存在临时文件夹中,等待您去查看&但如果需要查看的文件夹中充斥着大量的垃圾邮件,那么这个软件的实用性会因此而削弱。

    Most filtering software allows you to save rejected messages in temporary folders pending review & but if you need to review a folder full of spam , the usefulness of the software is thereby reduced .

  17. 磁盘空间不足,无法在临时windows文件夹中创建必要的文件。

    There 's not enough disk space available to create a required file in your temporary windows folder .

  18. 如果ClearQuest查询包含了命令行,那么您必须执行查看声明的前述步骤:将原始的查询复制到临时的文件夹之中,并使用动态的查询来替代动态的筛选。

    If the ClearQuest query contains prompts , you must perform a preliminary step to view the statement : Copy the original query to a temporary folder , and replace the dynamic filter with a static filter .

  19. CCACHETEMPDIR&指定放置ccache生成的临时文件的文件夹。

    CCACHE_TEMPDIR & Specifies the folder where ccache puts temporary files that it generates .

  20. 无法找到临时文件的文件夹。

    No folder for temporary files could be found .