
  • 网络TAMPAX
  1. 之后出现的高洁丝卫生巾的模型就是复制了二战中期出现的丹碧丝卫生棉条的产品,经过之后几十年的不断改进,女性的月经带最终演变成了如今的卫生棉条。

    The Kotex model was replicated by Tampax in the midst of World War II , and over the following decades they refined their bandages-turned-pads into the cotton tubes we now know as tampons .

  2. 所以,丹碧丝公司最近的研究结果也就不足为奇了。他们的研究发现,40%的女性努力找不到最适合自己身材的牛仔裤,但15%的女性曾经在努力寻找适合自己的牛仔裤时掉过眼泪。

    Perhaps , then , it comes as little surprise that a recent study by Tampax Compak Pearl found that 40 per cent of women struggle to find the perfect fit - and 15 per cent have even been reduced to tears in their efforts .