
  • 网络For peace
  1. 我尊重你的理想主义,为了和平我分享你的利害关系。

    I respect your idealism . I share your concern for peace .

  2. 为了和平,未来将会付出什么样的代价?

    What will be the price to pay for peace one day ?

  3. 他敦促他们为了和平抛开一些小的分歧。

    He urged them to set aside minor differences for the sake of peace .

  4. 伊朗坚持说,它的核项目是为了和平用途。

    Iran insists that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes .

  5. 为了和平与安宁我答应了。

    I said yes for the sake of peace and quiet .

  6. 这两个国家为了和平,缔结了合约。

    The two countries concluded a treaty to ensure peace .

  7. 为了和平我们必须忍耐。

    We must be patient for the love of peace .

  8. 原子能应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。

    It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose .

  9. 为了和平,我们妥协了。

    We made concessions far the sake of peace .

  10. 她们把为了和平而和亲当作一种光荣。

    They consider it an honour to marry in the cause of peace .

  11. 请听我说我们是为了和平来的

    Listen to me . We come in peace .

  12. 为了和平,中国将始终坚持走和平发展道路。

    In the interest of peace , China will remain committed to peaceful development .

  13. 我们是为了和平而这样做的。

    We do so in behalf of peace .

  14. 为了和平,他筹集到六百万美元,通过他的1905年研究论文手抄本

    He was able to raise six million dollars for peace by handwriting his 1905 research paper

  15. 伊朗称,他们的核项目是为了和平项目,为了向其人民提供能量。

    Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes to provide energy for its people .

  16. 你也是想要光荣的兄弟,一个真正的英雄,为了和平而战。

    You 're brothers in it for the glory , a real hero , fights for peace .

  17. 马丁路德金为了和平,为了黑人的自由与尊严而从事的事业,使我对他很尊敬!

    Martin luther King 's career dedicated to peace and the freedom of blacks made me respect him greatly .

  18. 伊朗还在坚持其核项目完全是为了和平用途,为日益增长的人口提供能源。

    Iran continues to insist its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes-to generate energy for a growing population .

  19. 使者一般是由一个国家正式派出的官员,目的是为了和平。

    An ambassador is an official messenger sent from a country usually for the purpose of keeping peace between countries .

  20. 浓缩铀和钸可以用来制造核武器,但是伊朗说,该国的核项目是为了和平目的。

    Enriched uranium and plutonium can be used in building nuclear weapons , but Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes .

  21. 爱因斯坦是一个和平主义者,为了和平他甚至以身犯险。

    Einstein was willing to put his pacifism and commitment to peace into action , even at the risk of his own hide .

  22. 伊朗表示,他们发展核项目是为了和平目的,但是伊朗总统威胁说,要把以色列“从地图上抹去”。

    Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes , but its president has threatened to wipe Israel " off the map . "

  23. 但是这些人,不论是苏联人还是美国,都为了和平而工作在一起,他们甚至合力建造了这座展览馆。

    But these men , Soviet and American , work together well for peace , even as they have worked together in building this Exhibition .

  24. 许多国家怀疑伊朗试图制造核弹,而伊朗政府坚持称,其项目纯粹是为了和平目的。

    Many countries suspect Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb , while the Iranian government insists its program is for purely peaceful purposes .

  25. 然而,正好因为这个海湾,我想利用这个机会非常严肃的重申我的愿望正是为了和平。

    But precisely because of this gulf I wanted to take this opportunity to reaffirm in all solemnity my desire to work for a just peace .

  26. 他说,要求伊朗停止铀浓缩活动是不合法的,伊朗坚持它的核运动的目的是为了和平生产电。

    He said demands that Iran suspend nuclear enrichment activities are illegal , Iran maintains its nuclear program is for the peaceful production of the electricity .

  27. 加沙地区的巴勒斯坦人表示那里人民的生活就如同监狱一般,为了和平哈马斯要求解除对加沙地区的封锁。

    Palestinians in Gaza say life there is a prison , and to keep the peace Hamas is demanding an end to what it calls the blockade of Gaza .

  28. 但是,假如它能让国际社会重建信心,确信它的核项目完全是为了和平目的,那么伊朗的确有获得民用核能的权利。

    But it does have a right to civil nuclear power if it reestablishes the confidence of the international community that it will use its program exclusively for peaceful purposes .

  29. 空间科学,只能为了和平的目的,为了一心领会大自然的奥秘而带给人们的恩惠&这才是空间研究发展和实施的方向。

    Space for science , only for peaceful purposes , for the benefit of a man relentlessly perceiving the innermost mysteries of nature-that is the way space studies are developed and performed .

  30. 这或许会引起些混乱,但我们得提醒你们&我们存在是为了和平,并且你们得明白,不论是我们的飞船或我们本身,是不参与一些负面事件的。

    This can cause confusion but we remind you that our presence is for peaceful reasons , and you can be certain that any negative incidents do not involve our craft or us .