
  • 网络Good for You
  1. 内森,我是为你好。

    Nathan , I 'm only trying to make you better .

  2. 老兄,我那么做是为你好。

    Amigo , I did it for your own good .

  3. 来吧,这是为你好。

    Come on . it 's for your own good .

  4. 她认为她做的一切都是为你好。

    She did what she thought was best for you .

  5. 你要知道我们都是为你好。

    Please try to understand that we want the best for you .

  6. 你继父提出异议是为你好。

    Your stepfather 's challenge is for your own good .

  7. 伊丽莎白:我们这么做也是为你好。

    Elizabeth Osbourne : We only tried to do the best for you .

  8. 弗莱迪说这是为你好。

    Freddie says this is for your own good .

  9. 我不是祷告你倒霉,我祷告是为你好。

    I wasn 't praying against you . I was praying for you .

  10. 我是为你好才这么说。

    I only say this for your own good .

  11. 煌你听我说我们也是为你好。

    Huang , we did it for your sake .

  12. 他是严厉了一点,都是为你好。

    He may seem strict , but he 's just trying to help you .

  13. 他们在你身旁是为你好。

    They shouid aiways be by your side .

  14. 我批评你是为你好。

    I criticize you for your interest .

  15. 这不仅是为你好。

    Not only for your own sake .

  16. “你不用着急,我来是为你好!”

    " Don 't get worked up . I 'm here to do you a favor !"

  17. “我比你还要难过,我这样说是为你好。”

    " It hurts me more than you ," and " this is for your own good . "

  18. 今年10月,位于洛杉矶的日美国家博物馆将举办名为你好!

    Starting in October , the Japanese American National Museum in LA will host a retrospective exhibition , entitled Hello !

  19. 但是她提醒到,这种朋友这么做一定是出于良好的目的,确实是为你好的。

    But she warns that this friend is someone who does it with good intentions and for your own benefit .

  20. 他经常忽略边界,可能要说服你他的批评是为你好。

    He often ignores your boundaries and may try to convince you that his criticism is for you own good .

  21. 也许有时候他会冒犯你,但假如他真的是为你好的,那是真正的爱情。

    Perhaps sometimes he will offend you , but if he is really for your good , that 's true love .

  22. 其他用来摆布人的欺人之谈还包括“这是为你好”以及“总有一天你会为此感谢我的”。

    Other examples of manipulative double-speak include , 'It 's for your own good , 'and , 'One day you 'll thank me for this .

  23. 这只姜黄色和白色相间的猫咪被取名为你好,它在为期两周的横跨太平洋旅途之后才被人发现,呼吸微弱,虚弱的蜷成一团。

    Ni Hao , a ginger and white kitten , was discovered breathing shallowly in a limp ball after a two-week trip across the Pacific Ocean .

  24. 35岁的洛普在她的网站上告诉歌迷们她的Kitty收藏品不断增加,其中包括袜套和华夫饼干机。她上一部专辑取名为“你好,莉萨”,封面上还贴着可爱的Kitty。

    Loeb , 35 , who tells fans on her website that her growing Kitty collection includes leg warmers and a waffle maker , titled her last album " Hello Lisa " and plastered the cute cat on the cover .

  25. 两周前,这两人的照片还登上过一个名为《你好》的杂志封面。

    The pair even appeared two weeks ago on cover of Hola ! magazine .

  26. 稍后,约翰将在芝加哥为您进行“你好,美国”新闻报道。

    Later , a " Hello America " news report from John Banks in Chicago .

  27. 现在,你将要倾力他为,我祝愿你好运常在,万事如意。

    Now you will apply the other position , I want to wish you all the best .