
zhǔ dòng duàn
  • powered phase
主动段[zhǔ dòng duàn]
  1. 预警卫星对导弹主动段的探测功能仿真

    The Detecting Simulation of Warning Satellite for Missile in Powered Phase

  2. 如果能在火箭主动段加一套简易的控制系统来控制火箭的姿态,则将大大提高火箭的命中精度。

    The precision of hitting will be improved obviously if we can offer a set of simple guidance control systems in powered phase of the rocket projectile .

  3. 本文针对SFRJ炮弹弹道特点,假设主动段推力等于阻力,建立了三自由度伪真空弹道模型。

    In this paper , suppose the thrust equal to resistance in the initial trajectory as flight , the three dimension degree pseudo-vacuum projectile trajectory model is established .

  4. 星光对机动弹道导弹主动段的修正

    Maneuver ballistic missile correction in the burning phase with star light

  5. 空间预警系统中主动段弹道估计误差分析

    Performance analysis of boost-phase trajectory estimation in space early warning system

  6. 基于推力加速度模板的主动段弹道跟踪方法

    The Trajectory Tracking Method in Boost Phase Using Thrust Acceleration Profile

  7. 一种战术弹道导弹主动段飞行攻角优化的算法

    An Approach for Powered Flight Attack Angle Optimization of Tactical Ballistic Missiles

  8. 主动段弹道定位与跟踪算法

    The trajectory locating and tracking algorithm in boost phase

  9. 返回式卫星主动段热控设计

    Thermal control design of returnable satellite in launching phase

  10. 基于动基座重力梯度仪的导弹主动段飞行状态估计

    Flight States Estimate of the Missile Active Phase Based on Moving-Based Gravity Gradiometer

  11. 首先,根据弹道导弹主动段运动特点,建立了线性拟合运动模型和带约束的非线性运动模型。

    Firstly linear polynomial kinematic model and constrained nonlinear kinematic model are presented .

  12. 主动段弹道估计可观测性分析

    Observability Analysis of Boost - Phase Trajectory Estimation

  13. 从而解释了在主动段超音速飞行中为什么会出现不稳定飞行。

    This causes the possible instability of the rocket in supersonic flight during burning .

  14. 伪线性主动段弹道估计方法

    The Trajectory Estimation in Boost-Phase Using Pseudolinear Estimator

  15. 本文分析了具有前喷管的火箭弹在主动段的受力情况。

    The force system during burning of the rocket having fore-located nozzles is analyzed .

  16. 导弹主动段扰动引力的分段梯度法逼近

    Approximation of Disturbing Gravity Using Subsection Gradient Method of Active Phase of Ballistic Missile

  17. 单星观测条件下弹道主动段估计的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Estimating the Boost Phase of a Trajectory Measured by a Single Satellite

  18. 利用有限元方法逼近飞行器轨道主动段扰动引力

    Approximation of the disturbing gravity of the active phase of trajectory using finite element method

  19. 对弹道导弹的主动段跟踪是导弹防御中重要的环节。

    The tracking of ballistic missile under boost-phase is more important in the missile defense program .

  20. 给出了弹道导弹的主动段运动方程、自由段椭圆运动方程和再入段运动方程。

    Present Motion Equations of passive flight phase , free flight phase and reentry flight phase .

  21. 机动再入飞行器主动段再入点约束闭路制导研究

    Study of the closed-loop guidance law for boost phase with reentry constraints of maneuvering reentry vehicles

  22. 第三章研究了基于先验弹道模板的主动段战术参数估计与落点预报问题。

    Chapter III studies tactical parameters estimation of boost phase and impact position prediction problems based on prior trajectory profile .

  23. 弹道导弹主动段自旋飞行是一种新的构想,旨在对抗激光武器拦截,实现主动段突防。

    Spin flight of Ballistic Missile in boost phase is a new idea in order to penetrate laser 's interception .

  24. 航天器外测数据事后处理系统是为承担航天测控网主动段跟踪测量系统数据分析和精密弹道计算任务而开发的一套工程数据处理系统。

    The exterior tracking measurement data post processing system is built for analyzing and evaluating tracking data qualitatively and for calculating trajectories of carrier rockets .

  25. 首先,利用先验弹道模板及相关战术参数建立了主动段模型,方法简单实用。

    Firstly a simple and practical method is proposed that prior trajectory profile and corresponding tactical parameters are used in modeling trajectory of boost phase .

  26. 本文应用系统辨识和参数估计理论,提出了运载火箭的主动段距离惯性制导系统。

    In this paper a distance-inertial guidance system in boost phase of the launch vehicle is presented by means of system identification and parameter estimation theory .

  27. 导弹预警卫星通过对弹道导弹尾焰红外辐射的探测实现主动段对弹道导弹的跟踪预警。

    Through detecting the infrared radiation characteristics of the missile plume , the Missile Early Warning Satellites carry out tracking and warning of the ballistic missiles .

  28. 为使飞行器能在主动段很快地进入到理想弹道上,系统采用了非线性的推力向量控制及预测制导方法。

    In order to enter into the ideal trajectory with minimal energy , the nonlinear thrust vector control and the prediction guidance are adopted in the missile guidance control system .

  29. 卫星发射的主动段,卫星经受振动、噪声、过载、冲击等因素的综合力学环境作用,这些环境因素对其性能和可靠性有着重要影响。

    For the satellite launch , the mechanical environment contains vibration , noise , overload and impact . All of these factors have great influence on the satellite function and reliability .

  30. 文章首先分析了导弹飞行不同阶段(主动段、自由段和再入段)的受力情况,分别建立适用于各阶段的动力学模型。

    This essay firstly analyses how forces act on missiles during their flights , which consist of boost phase , coast phase and reentry phase . And then dynamic models , fit for different flight phase , are built based on the analysis .