- host rock

Zircon U-Pb dating of the Bayan Bold granite-porphyry in Inner Mongolia : The age of the host rock of the Bayan Bold gold deposit
In order to study the sources of ore-forming metals , which is a long debated and unsolved issue , Re-Os isotope and He isotope compositions of the ore and host rock were systematically analyzed .
The adakite-hosted hydrothermal deposits in the area are mainly Au and Cu , secondly Mo.
The almost twice as high Li-concentration of the vein and the blueschist alteration zone in comparison to the blueschist host supports the assumption of an external origin for the fluids .
The circle cracks , kink bands , composition zoning , and equilibrium of Mg # values between olivine xenocrysts and host basalts imply that the xenocrysts could be the earlier magmatic cumulate caught by the host basaltic magmas .
Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks .
The " bias " of gold host-rocks ; set complement exists on it ;
Differential study on vitrinite reflectance of macerals from coal and kerogens of different host rocks
The boundary between the inclosure and host rocks takes on a clear or indistinct shape .
The host rocks are quenched-shattered amygdaloidal basalts at the tops of the basalt floods and carbonolithintercalations in the basalt floods .
The composition and the source of fluids could be traced by the geochemical study on the high-pressure veins and related host rocks .
The early stage of the high-sulfidation epithermal ore deposits is characterized by extensive leaching of the host rocks by an acidic and oxidative fluid .
Zoned alteration assemblages are formed as the reactive and metal-bearing magmatic fluid moves away from the intrusion , cools and reacts with the country rock .
The regularity of oxidation enrichment is summarized in terms of the climate , geomorphology , structure , orebody occurrence , mineral composition and host rocks .
Hydrous eclogite - facies veins cutting through the host blueschists / eclogites in the western Tianshan high-pressure-low-temperature metamorphic belt documented a dehydration process within a Paleozoic subduction zone .
Petrography and mineralogical chemistry of the high-pressure veins and their host rocks indicate that the vein-forming fluids were released at the blueschist to eclogite transitional prograde conditions during subduction .
The studies of organic geochemistry on the ore-bearing formation show that the host-rock is rich in primary organic matters and the sedimentary environment is low basin in the epicontinental sea .
The result shows that the3D geological model is a very useful site assessment method , from which the spatial distribution of the host rock and faults can be displayed directly .
At Flat the host is quartz diorite with a finegrained contact phase . Research on Influence Factor Originated from Granularity of Starting Materials in Synthesis of Zircon Powders by High Temperature Solid State Reaction
The crustal fluids play an important part in geological processes of orogenesis , metamorphism , diagenesis and mineralization during dissolution and migration of fluids in host rocks where it can transfer and exchange material as well as transmit and deliver energy .
It is probable to explain the source of minerogenetic matter , the mechanism of deposition and concentration , the moving path of mineralizing fluids and the sedimentary environment of host rocks , at the same time , to indicate the possible distribution of orebodies and offer the prospecting criterion .
Carbon and oxygen isotope features of carbonatite in the main fracture of Daba Mountains foreland structural belt and its fluid response
The strain criterion for ductile shear failure based on the maximum principal shear strain is established .
According to the temperature of the fluid inclusion which arrange 200 ℃ to 235 ℃, it considers that this deposit is a low-to-moderate temperature hydrothermal infilling quartz vein gold deposit .