
  1. 结果通过客观考核和主观考核,效果良好。

    Results It is a good effective that taking regular examination and evaluation .

  2. 目前的教务管理工作人才评价工作中仍存在大量简单化、主观化现象,考核指标存在片面性或缺乏科学性。

    The current evaluation system for individuals working in educational administration remains to be simple and subject , assessment indicators are partial ( one-sidedness ) or lack of the scientific nature .

  3. 虽现在的公务员考核评定综合了德、能、勤、绩、廉五方面,但仍然有比较明显的考核主观随意性和考核主体模糊性等问题。

    Although right now the evaluation of public officials combines five aspects : morality , ability , industry , achievements and incorruptibility , it still involves obvious objective and opaque evaluation views .

  4. 中国传媒业经过几年的市场化进程,对人员管理进行了很大的变革,但仍存在一些问题,主要是:引进人才多靠主观,缺少科学考核;

    China media industry has very heavy change for personal management to carry on Through many years market-oriented processes , but some questions still exist , It is mainly : Introduce talent lean against subjective more , lack science examine ;