
  1. 自乌克兰危机在9个月前爆发以来,欧盟(EU)外交官第一次积极考虑这个想法。

    For the first time since the Ukraine crisis began nine months ago , EU diplomats are actively considering the idea .

  2. 上月乌克兰危机爆发之后,白宫把积极游说拉夫罗夫的重任交给了美国国务卿克里(JohnKerry)。

    Since the crisis over Ukraine erupted last month , the White House gave Secretary of State John Kerry the task of aggressively engaging Mr. Lavrov .

  3. 然而,除非美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)成为对话的一分子,普京不可能准备好参与乌克兰危机最终解决方案的谈判。

    But Mr Putin is unlikely to be prepared to engage in talks on a final settlement of the Ukraine crisis unless President Barack Obama is part of the conversation .

  4. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗从基辅带来的报道,今天是乌克兰危机爆发以来首次造成人员伤亡。

    From Kiev , NR 's Ari Shapiro reports the first time in Ukraine 's crisis today 's clashes led to casualties .

  5. 美国财政部长杰克·卢表示,G7一致同意,如果莫斯科方面加剧乌克兰危机,将加大对俄罗斯的制裁。

    U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew says there is a consensus within the G7 on increasing sanctions against Russia if Moscow escalates the crisis in Ukraine .

  6. 美国宣布将释放战略石油储备(StrategicPetroleumReserve),进行1990年伊拉克入侵科威特以来首次石油试销,此举突显美国有能力应对乌克兰危机引发的任何能源市场动荡。

    The US has announced the first test sale of oil from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 , in a move that underlines its ability to respond to any energy market turmoil as a result of the Ukrainian crisis .

  7. 不过,IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)警告称,持续复苏面临若干障碍,包括损害就业的欧元区低通胀和乌克兰危机引发的地缘政治紧张局面。

    However , Christine Lagarde , managing director of the IMF , warned of several obstacles to a sustained recovery including job-killing low-flation in the eurozone and geopolitical tensions stemming from the crisis in Ukraine .

  8. 但受中国经济放缓、乌克兰危机拖累俄罗斯经济以及油价下挫等因素影响,国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测,哈萨克斯坦今年的经济增速将从2013年的6%降至4.6%。

    But buffeted by the slowdown in China , the effect of the Ukraine crisis on the Russian economy and plunging oil prices , the International Monetary Fund has forecast growth will slow this year to 4.6 per cent from 6 per cent in 2013 .

  9. 二人敦促乌克兰危机中的对立双方在马航坠毁航班MH17的国际调查中互相合作。

    They 've been calling on both sides in the Ukraine crisis to facilitate and cooperate in the ongoing international investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Fight MH17 .

  10. 他在接受俄塔社(Itar-Tass)采访时表示,保守势力利用乌克兰危机把国家推向孤立主义路线,这与依赖全球市场的俄罗斯企业的利益相悖。

    In an interview with Itar-Tass , he said conservative forces had seized on the Ukraine crisis to push the country towards an isolationist course , and this ran counter to the interests of Russian business , which relies on global markets .

  11. 莫斯科方面就此作出回应,指责西方加剧了乌克兰危机。

    Moscow has reacted , blaming the West for sparking the crisis .

  12. 乌克兰危机的一个受益者看来是朝鲜。

    One benefactor of the crisis in Ukraine appears to be North Korea .

  13. 乌克兰危机体现了社会和政治极化蕴含的内在风险。

    The crisis in Ukraine epitomises the dangers inherent in social and political polarisation .

  14. 美国就俄罗斯对于乌克兰危机的立场采取经济惩罚措施。

    The U.S. has penalized Russia economically for its stance on Ukraine 's crisis .

  15. 然而,官员和分析师们同意乌克兰危机让各方关系紧张的看法。

    Nonetheless , officials and analysts agree that the crisis in Ukraine has strained relations .

  16. 两位领导人结束会谈后表示,相信他们可以帮助解决乌克兰危机。

    The two leaders emerged saying they believed they could help resolve the Ukraine crisis .

  17. 自乌克兰危机以来投资者们已经从俄罗斯撤资700亿美元。

    Investors have pulled about $ 70 billion from Russia 's economy since the crisis began .

  18. 这次峰会代表着就不断升级的乌克兰危机达成外交解决方案的一次最新尝试。

    The conference marks the latest attempt to reach a diplomatic solution to the escalating Ukraine crisis .

  19. 事实上,德国已经在反思外交政策,乌克兰危机加速了这个过程。

    Indeed , the Ukraine crisis accelerated a rethinking of German foreign policy that was already under way .

  20. 俄罗斯总统普京在离开白俄罗斯明斯克市的乌克兰危机和平峰会时挥手。

    Russian President Vladimir Putin waves as he leaves a Ukrainian crisis peace summit in Minsk , Belarus .

  21. 由于克里姆林宫在乌克兰危机中扮演的角色,莫斯科被西方领导人排除在外。

    Moscow has been excluded by western leaders because of the Kremlin 's role in the Ukraine crisis .

  22. 直到上个春季乌克兰危机让卢布经受更多压力后,央行才转而提高利率。

    It shifted to raising rates only last spring after the Ukraine crisis put additional pressure on the ruble .

  23. 今年迄今为止受乌克兰危机影响,小麦价格已经飙升17%。

    Wheat prices have soared 17 percent so far this year , impacted by the crisis in the Ukraine .

  24. 乌克兰危机再度勾起了人们对冷战的回忆,并引发了人们对新冷战的担忧。

    The crisis in Ukraine has revived memories of the cold war and sparked fears of a new one .

  25. 俄罗斯官员驳斥美国及西方国家就乌克兰危机最新施加的制裁措施。

    Russian officials are dismissing the latest sanction imposed by the US and the West over the Ukraine crisis .

  26. 到目前为止,中国一直在乌克兰危机中十分小心地走钢丝,努力不去选边站。

    So far China has trod a fine line in the Ukraine crisis in an effort not to take sides .

  27. 即使欧洲在乌克兰危机后削减俄罗斯天然气进口量,上述协议也为俄罗斯提供了保障。

    The deal offers insurance if Europe cuts back on Russian gas imports in the aftermath of the Ukraine crisis .

  28. 俄罗斯表示将对美国就乌克兰危机提出的通过谈判达成解决方案的计划制订出反提案。

    Russia says it 's putting together counter proposals to US plan for a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis .

  29. 在国内,其大量债务,加上西方就乌克兰危机实施的制裁,令它的借贷能力大幅受限。

    At home , its substantial debts and Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis have sharply limited its borrowing abilities .

  30. 乌克兰危机中根本性的不对等就是,克里姆林宫有能力而且也愿意使用武力;

    The fundamental asymmetry in the Ukrainian crisis is that the Kremlin is able and willing to use military force ;