
  • 网络uguz;Uruz
  1. 《乌古斯传》(oguz-nam?)是流传在古代维吾尔人民中间的一部散文体英雄史诗。

    " oguz-nam ( a | ¨)" is a heroic epic in prose spread among ancient Uyghur people .

  2. 撒拉语中的突厥语因素&一种具有察哈台语形式的乌古斯语?古代突厥如尼文字起源问题,历来是国际学术界讨论的热点,众说纷纭。

    On the Turkic Factors in the Salar The origin of ancient Turkic Runic Alphabet is always an arguable topic among the academics , however , which has no unanimous conclusion .

  3. 对乌古斯与撒鲁尔的关系、塞尔柱帝国与撒鲁尔的关系、撒鲁尔人在安纳托利亚和今土库曼斯坦的情况,本文也作了简单的论述。

    The relations between the Oghuz and the Salurs , the Seljuk Empire and the Salurs , and the activities of the Salurs in Anatolia and in todays Turkmenistan , are also discussed in this article .