
  • 网络Una;Oona
  1. 例句乌娜和我的关系很好,我们几乎可以读懂彼此的心思。

    Una and I are so close we are able to practically1 read each other 's minds .

  2. 乌娜是我试验组中的一员。

    Una was part of one of my test groups .

  3. 尤罕娜·兰是在5月8日从法律上正式成为我们的女儿的,而我们的另一个女儿乌娜出生在1985年的5月8日。

    Johanna Lan legally became our daughter on8 May ; my other daughter Una was born on8 May1985 .

  4. 除了最小的女儿乌娜外,其他孩子都已成人,基本上离家单过了。

    Apart from the youngest , Una , they are all grown up and have more or less left home .

  5. 首先,本文以乌娜和林中生物的关系为例来探讨《仙后》第一卷中人与自然的和谐关系。接着,本文又探讨了人与其自身的和谐。

    First of all , it ponders the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature by taking the relationship between Una and the creatures in the wood as an example .