
  • 网络ouse river;River Ouse;Ouse;Great Ouse
  1. 贝德福德英格兰中南部一市区,位于剑桥以西的乌斯河河畔。

    A municipal borough of south-central England on the Ouse River west of Cambridge .

  2. 周末,乌斯河河水漫过了河岸。这让许多约克郡人趟著没膝的洪水行走。

    The River Ouse burst its banks over the weekend , leaving some residents up to their knees in water .

  3. QUASAR模型是一维动态综合水质模型,是由英国Whitehead建立的贝德福郡乌斯河水质模型发展而来,并成功地应用于英国LOIS工程。

    QUASAR model , which was developed from a model of Bedford Ouse by Whitehead and has been applied as part of the UK LOIS project , is a dynamic river water quality model using 1D ordinary equation .

  4. 一辆巴士驶上横跨河水暴涨的乌斯河一座大桥。

    A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse .