
  • 网络Spent fuel;spent nuclear fuel
  1. FIA快速测定乏燃料后处理工艺溶液中铀、钚、镎的方法及仪器研究

    Study on the Method and Instrument for Rapid Determination of Uranium Plutonium and Neptunium in Spent Fuel Reprocessing Solution by Flow Injection Analysis

  2. 核电站乏燃料水池遭受恐怖袭击后果评价

    Consequence assessment of attacking nuclear spent fuel pool by terrorist

  3. 研究堆乏燃料组件中~(235)U含量和燃耗的测定

    Measurement of ~ ( 235 ) U Mass and Burnup in Fuel Assembly in Research Reactors

  4. 研究给出了分光光度法和X射线荧光法分析乏燃料后处理模拟工艺料液中锆的适用条件和分析步骤。

    The suitable condition and operation step are obtained for the determination of Zr by spectrophotometry and X ray fluorescence spectrometry .

  5. 乏燃料后处理溶液中U、Pu的~(57)Co源激发K-XRF分析

    57 Co source excited K XRF analysis of u and Pu concentrations in PWR spent fuel reprocessing solution

  6. 高加浓铀乏燃料后处理1A槽性能研究

    Study on Behaviour of 1A Mixer-settler for the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of High-enriched Uranium

  7. 方法适于PWR乏燃料后处理工艺中U、Pu浓度的快速控制分析或在线分析。

    The method is well suited to control or in line analyze concentrations of U and Pu in PWR spent fuel reprocessing process .

  8. 乏燃料游泳�Q.如果我在一个普通的乏燃料(用过的核燃料)水池里游泳会怎么样?

    SPENT FUEL POOL Q. What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool ?

  9. 应用自行研制的全反射X射线荧光光谱仪样机,建立了核动力堆(PWR)乏燃料元件不溶残渣化学成分测定方法。

    The analysis method of chemical composition of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel has been developed by using a self-made prototype of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer .

  10. 方法适用于PWR乏燃料元件不溶残渣实际样品分析。

    It is predicated that the method could also be applied to practical sample analysis of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel .

  11. 核电站乏燃料中超铀核素,特别是其中的少数锕系核素(MinorActinides,简称MA),对环境具有潜在长期放射性危害性。

    The transuranic elements especially the minor actinides ( MA ) in spent fuel represent potential environmental radiotoxicity hazard in the long term .

  12. 10MW高温气冷堆乏燃料元件转运罐罐盖封压机构的研制

    Development of Cover Seal Mechanism of Spent Fuel Element Shipping Cask in 10 MW High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor

  13. SPRR-300堆乏燃料组件初步测量

    Preliminary measuring of spent fuels in SPRR - 300

  14. 目前在乏燃料后处理工艺中普遍采取的是Purex流程。

    Presently the Purex process is widely used in the commercial reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel .

  15. 动力堆乏燃料后处理厂钚产品与MOX元件制造的接口问题

    The interface between Pu product of pressure water reator spent fuel reprocessing plant and MOX fuel fabrication

  16. 介绍了10MW高温气冷实验堆乏燃料元件贮存系统的功能、系统工艺流程、主要设备及设计特点。

    This paper briefly introduces the functions , system flowsheet , main equipments and design features of10MW HTR-TM spent fuel storage system .

  17. 采用微波分解,溶液制样和微粒悬浮直接制样两种方法,分析了PWR乏燃料元件不溶残渣模拟样品。

    The simulated sample of insoluble residue of spent PWR fuel was analyzed by two sample preparation methods including microwave decomposition-solution prepared sample and particle suspension direct prepared sample .

  18. 乏燃料组件清洗系统的监控系统采用研华公司的ADAM-5000系列产品作为数据采集和控制器,用Labwindows/CVI软件进行开发。

    In this system the ADAM-5000 series product is used as the sensor and controller , the system is designed with the software of Lab Windows / CVI .

  19. 在乏燃料后处理中,当以乙醛肟作为U、Pu分离的还原剂时,其本身又可作为亚硝酸清扫剂,此时,无需另加支持还原剂。

    Therefore , acetaldoxime can be used as the reductant for the separation of U and Pu in the Purex process of spent fuel without adding any other stabiliser , since it can scavenge HNO_2 completely by itself . Support ?

  20. 200MW供热堆乏燃料的贮存

    Spent Fuel Storage for 200 MW

  21. 用RETRAN程序进行乏燃料元件贮存水池的热工水力安全分析

    RETRAN THERMO-HYDRAULIC SAFETY ANALYSIS OF SPENT FUEL POOL Introducing the technology of thermo ? Ice Thermo Storage

  22. 文章主要介绍10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)乏燃料元件转运罐罐盖封压机构的结构、功能、设计参数和工作原理。

    The structure , function , design parameters and working processes of the cover seal mechanism of spent fuel element shipping cask in 10 MW high-temperature gas-cooled reactor ( HTR-10 ) are introduced in the paper .

  23. 研究了350MW环状模块式HTGR乏燃料在加速器驱动的次临界堆中燃烧的物理可行性。

    This paper describes a physics feasibility study for the burning of spent fuel from a 350 MW ring-shaped modular high temperature gas cooled reactor in an accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor .

  24. 平衡态研究结果表明基于深燃耗的300MW球床式气冷快堆可以提高铀资源的利用率同时降低乏燃料中的次锕系核素的含量。

    The results showed that the 300 MWt pebble bed GFR based on the deep burn-up concept could effectively raise the availability of the uranium resources and decrease the pile-up of minor actinide .

  25. 叉形探测器可用于后处理和贮存工厂中PWR和BWR型的乏燃料组件的燃耗、冷却时间、总钚和总裂变物质含量的测定。

    The detector can been used to determine the burnup , cooling time and the contents of whole plutonium and whole fission material in spent fuel assemblies of the PWR and BWR types at a reprocessing and storage facility .

  26. 另外,日本国家电视台NHK周日报道说,消防员很快将会继续对三号反应堆喷水,以冷却过热的乏燃料池。

    Separately , Japan 's national broadcaster NHK reported Sunday that firefighters will soon resume operations to spray water onto the No.3 reactor in a bid to cool down its overheating spent fuel pool .

  27. 商用裂变堆乏燃料中高放长寿命裂变产物(LLFP)由于其具有很强的放射毒性,所以对于它们的嬗变处理非常重要。

    It is very important for transmutation of long-lived fission products ( LLFP ) due to the serious radioactive hazard of the LLFP from commercial fission reactors .

  28. 利用RETRAN模型来评估乏燃料贮存水池稳态和瞬态的热工水力安全分析既方便,又精确,还可用于申请许可证的计算和估算水池的温度分布。

    RETRAN model of nodal calculations is convenient and accurate in thermo-hydraulic analysis of SFP either on steady-state or transient conditions , and can be used for licensing applications as well as best estimate of SFP temperature .

  29. 下面是一个普通的乏燃料储存池的样子:

    Here 's the geometry of a typical fuel storage pool :

  30. RY-Ⅰ型乏燃料运输容器热工试验研究

    Study on thermal testing of ry-i type transport cask for spent fuels