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yuè ɡuān
  • official in charge of music
  • official professional musician
乐官 [yuè guān]
  • [official professional musician] 掌管音乐的官吏

  • 乐官传视之曰:希世之珍也。--明. 刘基《郁离子.千里马篇》

  1. 达味诗歌,交与乐官,和以弦乐,八度低音。

    Unto the end , in verses , a psalm for David , for the octave .

  2. 从文献资料、考古材料、文化发展传承等角度进行论证,可见古代的乐官制度至迟形成于商代后期。

    The organizational system of MDO to work officially came no later than the late Shang Dynasty .

  3. 《周礼》所载的22职乐官是中国古代音乐史上的一个重大疑难问题。

    The22 , classes of Yueguan in Chou Rite is a big problem in the history of Chinese ancient music .

  4. 特产有雁茗、香鱼、观音竹、金星草、山乐官鸟,称雁荡五珍。

    There are specialty Yan Ming , sweet , Guanyin Zhu , Venus grass , birds hiking official , said five tells Jane .

  5. 梨园供奉官、都都知与都知是低级乐官,不由宦官担任,具备较高的音乐才能,在梨园从事具体的音乐工作。

    The lower officers were assumed by junior musical officers who were not eunuchs but should have quite high music talent and were engaged in specific music work .

  6. 从乐官装扮、造型及音声模写等方面都体现了图腾艺术的本质特点,即艺术仿生性。

    The costume of musical officers , the model of Xun-ju ( structures for musical instruments ) and the metaphor of sound all represented the essential traits of totem arts .

  7. 中国的乐官制度肇始于商末,发展于魏晋南北朝,而成熟于隋唐。

    The music official system of china began with end of Shang dynasty , developed in Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern dynasty ; and reached maturity in Tang dynasty .

  8. 巫在先周文化中占有重要的地位,其作为当时知识、宗教、政权等各种权力的集合体,表现在音乐方面应可视为后世乐官的前身。

    As witch was intellectual , religious , political power and other powers of assemblies , and in the music can be regarded as the predecessor of future generations Le officials .

  9. 周代宫廷设立四夷乐官,是传统中国观念的反映,它喻示了礼乐因袭的传统及中国文化多元熔铸的基本模式。

    The court of Zhou set up masters for foreign music , which was the reflection of traditional idea of China . And it indicated the basic pattern that the tradition of heritage in music fused with Chinese culture .

  10. 小学的教师主要是保、史职官员,大学的教师主要是师职官员,师既是军事统帅,也是乐官,也是教师,当时的官员文武不分,所以史职类官员也从事大学教育。

    Primary school teachers were called Paul and the history staff officials were faculty division-level officials . The military commanders were also the official music teachers , then officials . Civil and military were not regarded differently , so the history categories officials could also engage in university education .

  11. 这是悠乐真实的故事,好像悠乐的官比较聪明一点,比较会保护自己,而且比较知道怎么劝国王。

    This was a true Aulacese story . Maybe Aulacese officials were a little smarter . They knew better how to protect themselves and how to counsel their king .