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yuè zhèng
  • a surname;head of music official
乐正 [yuè zhèng]
  • (1) [head of music official] 官名。周代乐官之长

  • 乐正夔一足。--《吕氏春秋.慎行论》

  • (2) 又

  • 舜以为乐正。

乐正[yuè zhèng]
  1. 北京媒体公司乐正传媒(LegendMedia)的咨询总监彭凯(音)说,这太荒谬了,没有炫丽的舞台和高品质的表演,你怎么吸引观众?

    ' This is ridiculous , ' said Peng Kai , consulting director of Legend Media , a Beijing-based media company , adding ' how can you attract audiences without a dazzling stage set and quality shows ?

  2. 除了更加成人化的台词、潮流的包装、更快的剪辑速度以及弹幕等基础互动功能,网络节目和电视节目实际上没有区别,乐正传媒研发与咨询总监彭侃在接受《综艺报》采访时表示。

    Besides more adult-oriented lines and trendy packaging , faster editing pace and basic interactive functions like * danmaku , web shows are actually no different than TV shows , Peng Kan , director of research and consulting department of Legend Media told Media & Entertainment Industry Reporter .

  3. 两个卡乐门人正鞭策着一匹拉着木头的马儿。

    Two Calormenes were driving a horse which was harnessed to a log .

  4. 乐喜力正以创新的精神、务实的态度,致力于推动中国印刷包装事业的发展。

    We are in an innovative spirit , pragmatic attitude , working to promote the development of Chinese printing and packaging industry .

  5. 喜乐如旗正飘扬从我心中的城堡。

    Joy is the flag that is flown from the castle of the heart .

  6. “吮指回味乐无穷”正是肯德基连锁餐厅的广告语。他们俩都是科尔切斯特学院的音乐剧表演专业的学生,他们俩吃了一份价值6.79英镑的角斗士套餐。

    The pair - both musical theatre students at Colchester Institute - shared a £ 6.79 Gladiator box meal .

  7. 中国钢铁产量的迅速增加可能带来价格压力,安赛乐米塔尔正急于在不遭受这种价格压力的情况下,保护其全球市场份额。

    It is desperate to protect its global market share without suffering the price pressures that might emerge as a result of fast increasing Chinese production .

  8. 以住农家院、吃农家饭、品农家情、购农家物、干农家活为主要内容的农家乐旅游,正成为现代都市人新兴的旅游方式。

    To " live in farm homes , eating rice farmers , farm goods , love , buy farm goods , dry farmers living " as the main content of the " peasant music " Tourism is becoming the modern city new way to travel .

  9. 散布亮光是为义人.豫备喜乐、是为正直人。

    Light is shed upon the righteous and joy on the upright in heart .

  10. 散布亮光,是为义人。预备喜乐,是为正直人。

    Light is shining on the lovers of righteousness , and for the upright in heart there is joy .