
  1. 剧名“乐游原”是古城西安的一个古地名。

    The name of this play " Le You Yuan " was an ancient plateau in Xi'an .

  2. 《乐游原》是一出关于寻觅、遗忘、宿命以及梦中之梦的戏。破碎的情节和不合常理的对白,恍如映射在梦境中的现实生活。

    Le You Yuan is a play about seeking and forgetting , also about the fate and dreams within other dreams .

  3. 长安城东南有一片高地,地势开阔、风景秀丽,可以眺望长安全城,是文人墨客、年轻男女登高游赏的好地方,这片高地就叫做“乐游原”。

    There was a plateau at the southeast of ChangAn town with open views and beautiful scenery called the plateau of Having Fun ( Le You Yuan ) .

  4. 诗人李商隐更是在乐游原上留下了“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”的千古绝唱。

    Many young people and poets went there for a happy time , such as the famous poet Li Shang-yin who wrote the well-known sentence " Sunset is infinite beauty except impending of dusk " there .