
  • 网络George Mason University;Fairfax,VA;GMU
  1. 沃尔特E。威廉姆斯,乔治梅森大学经济学教授。

    Walter E.Williams is the John M.Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University , Fairfax , Virginia .

  2. 最终都要归结为强硬,乔治梅森大学教授托尼·米歇尔·特拉维斯通过Skype说道。

    In the end , it comes down to being tough , says George Mason University Professor Toni-Michelle Travis via Skype .

  3. 史蒂文·温伯格(StevenWeinberger)是乔治梅森大学英语系语言学主任,该校位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县。

    Steven Weinberger is the director of linguistics in the English Department at George Mason University in Fairfax , Virginia .

  4. 乔治梅森大学阿联酋学院成立于2006年。

    The George Mason campus opened in two thousand six .

  5. 在乔治梅森大学拿过篮球奖学金。

    Basketball scholarship to George Mason university .

  6. 其中5千元为乔治梅森大学参加爵士研究项目的学生提供奖学金。

    Five thousand of that goes to George Mason University for scholarships for students in the jazz studies program .

  7. 然而,乔治梅森大学的马丁福德博士认为名字并没有那么大的象征意义。

    Dr Martin Ford of George Mason University , however , believes a name does not stand for much .

  8. 弗吉尼亚州的乔治梅森大学在哈伊马角的学院正处于关闭状态,一个位于阿拉伯酋长国的学院之一。

    And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah , another of the United Arab Emirates .

  9. 他说,乔治梅森大学将继续参与美国在中东地区的教育,作为美国大学驻迪拜顾问。

    And he says George Mason will remain involved in education in the Middle East as an to the American University in Dubai .

  10. 乔治梅森大学的数据学家柯克o波恩教授指出:大数据技术在气候研究领域的发展,首先意味着传感器已经无所不在。首先是太空中的遥感卫星,其次是地面上的传感器。

    Big data in climate first means that we have sensors everywhere : in space , looking down via remote sensing satellites , and on the ground , said Kirk Borne , a data scientist and professor at George Mason University .

  11. 泰勒考恩,乔治梅森大学经济学教授,指出中国进口原件加工成成品,强势人民币将会使原件便宜,但会损坏出口利润。

    As Tyler cowen , an economics professor at George Mason university , points out , China imports many of the components it assembles into finished products ; a strengthening yuan will make these components cheaper , eroding some of the effect on export prices .