
  • 网络multiplier method;Lagrange multiplier;multiplier
  1. 从几何上,直观地介绍求解一类条件极值问题的Lagrange乘数法,显得很形象、易于理解。

    The Lagrange multiplier method is derived from the view of geometry .

  2. Lagrange乘数法在证不等式中的应用

    The Relation between Lagrange Multiplier Method and Inequalities

  3. 鞍点定理在Lagrange乘数法上的应用

    Saddle Point Theorem and its Applications in the Method of Lagrange Multiplier

  4. Lagrange乘数法的几何直观推导

    Lagrange Multiplier Method Introduced from View of Geometry

  5. 对Lagrange乘数法的两点浅析四分之一平方乘法器

    Analysis of Lagrange Multiplication ; quarter-square multiplier

  6. 对Lagrange乘数法的几点浅析

    Analysis on Lagrange Multiplier Rule

  7. 然后,采用可比公司乘数法确定IPO公司的内在价值且剔除二级市场影响后得到291价企业的样本,并再次进行多元回归分析。

    Then , using comparable companies multiplier method to excluding the secondary market impact , and again multiple regression analysis .

  8. Lagrange乘数法是《高等数学》中求函数条件极值的一种方法。

    The Lagrange multiplier method is one of the approaches for determining conditional extremum of function in Advanced Mathematics .

  9. 另外,用Lagrange乘数法求出的解不一定是条件极值问题的极小值解。

    Furthermore , the solutions given by the Lagrange multiplier method are not necessarily minimal solutions about the conditional extremum problem .

  10. 用Lagrange乘数法给出了按矩阵加权线性最小方差最优融合估计公式新的推导。

    By Lagrange multipliers , in linear minimum variance sence , a new derivation of optimal fusion estimation formula weighted by matrices , is given .

  11. 利用二阶导数给出了用Lagrange乘数法求出的解是条件极值问题的极小值解的一个充分条件。

    A sufficient condition of second order is given for that solutions given by the Lagrange multiplier method are minimal solutions of the conditional extremum problem .

  12. 以系统动力学(SD)模型为主体,结合投入产出法、乘数法和计量经济学模型,进行了港口经济影响分析。

    Analysis of port ′ s influence on economy is conducted based mainly on system dynamics ( SD ), combining also input-output method , the Mulitplier , and econometrics model .

  13. 依据最小作用量原理,利用Lagrange乘数法分析几个电学问题,得到了一些有意义的结果。

    Based on the least-action principle , few of problems in electricity is discussed by using the Lagrange multiple method , and some meaningful results are obtained .

  14. 最后,应用单纯形法、Lagrange乘数法和一维搜索方法确定了最优谐波污染管理方法,算例表明该方法降低了社会综合损失。

    An optimized harmonic management method applying simplex method , Lagrange-multiplier method and one-dimension searching method is proposed . Example indicates that this method reduces social compositive loss .

  15. 根据SEEM特性曲线和由效用函数得到的无差异曲线,提出了用于决策的无差异曲线法和拉格朗日乘数法,并据此得到了最优的经济增长速度和经济剩余组合决策;

    Second , this paper proposes two kinds of decision-making methods , non-difference curve methods and Lagrange multiplier methods . The optimal decision of speed of economic increase and surplus is made in terms of SEEM curve and Non-difference curve .

  16. 结论乘数法是AIDS流行相关高危人群规模估计的一种较实用的方法,具有方法简便、结果可靠、费用较低、省时省力等优点。

    Conclusion This research indicates that multiplier method is an applicable and better tool , which is simple , convenient , reliable , cost-effective and labor saving in estimating the size of high risk population related to HIV / AIDS infection .

  17. 基于动态CSIT模型估计得到的信道信息,通过拉格朗日乘数法推导出闭式的THP预编码器。

    Based on the dynamic CSIT mode , closed-form solution of Tomlinsion-Harashima precoding ( THP ) is derived through a Lagrangian approach .

  18. 考虑了市场中投资者信息的不对称性,用Lagrange乘数法给出了一类最优投资消费问题的对偶问题,并给出了该问题在完备市场下的最优解。

    Considering the asymmetry of information , it is given the duality problem of a kind of optimal investment policies with consumption problem by introducing Lagrange multiplier , and solved this problem in complete market .

  19. 第五章研究了带切矢约束条件的Bezier曲线中的等周问题,是在第四章实现的等周问题的基础上,多加了一个约束条件,并用拉格朗日乘数法解决这个问题。

    The chapter V researches the isoperimetric problem for Bezier curves with tangent vector constraint , which is to add a constraint on the basis of chapter IV and solve the problem using Lagrange multiplier method .

  20. 据等温等压多相平衡Gibbs能最小原理并应用Lagrange未定乘数法导出多元系组元化学位和平衡成分关系式。

    On the principle of the Gibbs energy being minimum in phase equilibria at constant temperature and pressure , the relationships between chemical potential and compositions on phase boundaries of multicomponent systems are derived by using Lagrange 's method of indeterminate coefficients .

  21. 本文所阐述的直接修正方法是建立在Lagrange乘数法和结构动力学特性基础上,在求解过程中用到的算法主要是子空间迭代法和LDLT分解法。

    The direct methods of updating are based on the Lagrange multiplier methods and the character of the structural dynamics , the subspace iteration technique and the LDL ~ T factorization is used to solve the algorithm .

  22. 本文从两个方面定量研究了湖南四水治理项目对流域经济发展的影响:一是采用C-D生产函数法和乘数法分析了四水治理项目对流域经济增长的贡献;

    The influences of Sishui Water-conservancy Projects ( SWPs ) on basins ' economic development are quantitatively studied from two aspects : first , SWPs ' contribution to economic growth is analyzed by using C-D production function and multiplier method ;

  23. 应用La-grange乘数法设计信息融合状态滤波器,正是《高等数学》应用于科学前沿的一个实际例子。

    Designing an information fusion state filter with the Lagrange multiplier is a practical example that advanced mathematics and can be applied to frontier science .

  24. 针对支持向量机在线训练算法训练速度较慢和无法处理边缘支持向量集合为空的缺点,以KKT条件和拉格朗日乘数法为基础,用严格的数学推导得到一种改进的训练算法。

    In order to increase training speed of original on-line support vector machine training algorithm , and to deal with the case of margin support vector set being empty , a new algorithm was obtained by strict mathematical deduction based on KKT condition and Lagrangian multiplier method .

  25. 泛函型约束条件下的拉格朗日乘数法

    Lagrange 's Method of Multipliers for Restricted Conditions of Functional Type

  26. 扩展乘数法与无界函数逼近的渐近估计

    Multiplier-enlargement and Asymptotic Formulae of Approximation of Unbounded Continuous Functions

  27. 我们就此学过拉格朗日乘数法的。

    So , then we 've seen the method of Lagrange multipliers .

  28. 通过使用折现现金流法和收入乘数法开发评估模型。

    Developed valuation models using discounted cash flow and multiples .

  29. 现在我们来用拉格朗日乘数法方程。

    Now we try to apply our Lagrange multiplier equations .

  30. 利用乘数法估计男男性接触者规模的调查研究

    Size estimation of men who have sex with men using multiplier method