
yǐ wèi
  • 32nd year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 其中铜钟上刻有汉字“嘉靖十四年乙未四月日”。这个铜零件被认为是两个钟的零件,这两个水钟分别制造于1438年和1536年,放置在皇家宫殿里。

    The cultural relics of either of two water clocks , each created in 1438 and 1536 and installed at royal palaces .

  2. 而即将于2015年推出的乙未年贺年邮票上,这只绵羊已经戴上了织好的围脖。

    The sheep is the animal for 2015 , heralding , according to astrological storytelling . In 2003 , the stamp on the cards issued by the post office had as its design a fluffy sheep busily knitting a scarf .