
yǐ mí má zuì
  • Ether anesthesia;ether anaesthesia
  1. 家兔的诱发H反射及乙醚麻醉对H反射潜伏时影响的观察

    Evoked H-reflex and the effect of anaesthesia with ether on latency of the H-reflex in rabbits

  2. 低温速冻法较传统的乙醚麻醉法更好得避免了标本RNA的过多降解。

    The low temperature freezing technique was superior to that of the aether anaesthesia methods to have prevented the excessive degradation of RNA .

  3. 方法SD大鼠在乙醚麻醉下,舌下静脉注射人血清LDL(4mg/kg)诱发血管内皮功能损伤。

    Methods Vascular endothelial injury was induced by a single injection of native LDL ( 4 mg / kg ) in rats .

  4. 第5周测血糖,阿朴吗啡勃起实验后,乙醚麻醉下断头取血,分离血清,取一侧睾丸组织制成匀浆液,测定血清及组织匀浆中NO及NOS水平。

    After the apomorphines experiment , the rats were killed , blood taken from the vein , homogenate prepared from the isolated testis tissue and the level of NO and NOS in the serum and tissue homogenate surveyed , separately .

  5. 方法对果蝇寿命的影响:采用乙醚麻醉法,收集10h内羽化出的成虫,选择个体大小相近的雌雄果蝇,在不同浓度的培养基中饲养,每天定时3次统计果蝇死亡数,直到全部死亡。

    Methods Collecting the eclosion imago in 10h by diethyl ether anesthesia , the female and male of similar size were selected and fed in different concentration medium , We added the death number 3 times per day until all the drosophila dead .

  6. 所有大鼠在手术中均使用乙醚麻醉。

    All rats were anesthetized by inhalation of ether in operation .

  7. 血浆:大鼠称体重,乙醚麻醉后,心脏采血,分离血浆,-20℃冰箱中保存。

    Plasma : Rats were weighted and then anaesthetized by aether .

  8. 无氧源时,以空气作载气,进行空气乙醚麻醉;

    Take air as carrier if there is not supply of oxygen , proceed air-ether anesthesia .

  9. 方法:将雌性小鼠30只,随机分为3组,乙醚麻醉,行子宫切除术,造成疼痛性肠麻痹。

    Methods : Thirty female mice were divided into three groups randomly , anesthetized with aether , and then removed of their wombs with painful enteroparalysis .

  10. 术后并发喉水肿12例,其中乙醚麻醉者11例,静脉复合麻醉者1例。

    Edema of larynx was found in 12 cases among which 11 cases were under aspiration anesthesia by ether and one case was under total intravenous anesthesia .

  11. 我从乙醚麻醉中醒过来,有一种孤苦伶仃的感觉,马上问护士是男孩还是女孩。

    I woke up out of the ether with an utterly abandoned feeling , and asked the nurse right away if it was a boy or a girl .

  12. 乙醚麻醉后俯卧位固定,消毒,铺无菌洞巾,沿大鼠顶骨中线切开皮肤,分离软组织及骨膜。

    Via ether anesthesia , fixed rats , disinfected rats forehead , and paved sterile sheet . Cut the skin along the rats parietal midline , separated soft tissue and periosteum .

  13. 治疗12周后,在乙醚麻醉下处死大鼠,行大鼠股骨骨载荷、骨桡度、骨强度、韧性等生物力学指标测定。

    Twelve weeks later , rats were put to death under anaesthesia of aether and some osseous biomechanics index such as thighbone osseous load , defletion , intensity and toughness were detected .

  14. 急性染毒后24小时,乙醚麻醉,摘眼球采血,然后处死小鼠,取心、肝、脑及肾组织。

    The mice were anesthetize with ether and take blood by excise the eyeballs after they were treated with glyoxal for 24 hours . Then kill the animals , and take the heart , liver , brain and kidney .

  15. 乙醚对泥鳅麻醉效果的初步研究

    A preliminary study on anaesthetizing effects of ether on Loach

  16. 乙醚吸入预麻醉,大鼠称重后,2%戊巴比妥钠(30mg/kg)腹腔注射麻醉。

    The rats were initially anesthetized with diethyl ether , and then anesthesia was maintained with 2 % pentobarbital sodium ( 30mg / kg ) .

  17. 方法兔乙醚吸入法全身麻醉后,以95℃水烫伤其背部及躯干两侧30s,造成30%体表面积III度烫伤(III度30%TBSA)。

    METHODS All rabbits were anesthetized with ether inhalation . The dorsal skin of rabbits were immersed in 95 ℃ water ( or 37 ℃ water ) for 30 s. This procedure produced a full thickness burn of 30 % total body surface area ( TBSA ) or sham burn .